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On Purity Software

October 16th, 2014

I saw the GQ Facebook post about X3. I’ve used Covenant Eyes before, but I had to cancel my service because it was incompatible with the school server for my PhD program (Moodle). Does anyone know if X3 has similar trouble with school programs?

  • Seen by 29
  • Jed Kramer I can’t personally vouch for K9webprotection, but I’ve heard it protects without ‘over protecting’. It may allow Moodle.
  • Marc Weiss I am a Moodle Admin and Covenant Eyes should not be interfering with Moodle. Did they say why that would happen?
  • Jimmy Turner No. Covenant eyes and my school tried to find a work around for it, but apparently I’m note he first person to have the problem.
  • Jeff Laird I’ve always been leery of those programs for that very reason. Apologetics research sometimes involves sites and discussions that protective software might misinterpret.
  • Marc Weiss I am going through the Moodle site to see if anyone knows anything. My bet is that it is specific to your school. I do not know how or why, but I never heard of any software blocking Moodle. NOT calling anyone incompetent or a liar, this is just new to me. I am the Moodle admin at my college (and instructor).
  • Jimmy Turner If you go to the covenant eyes website and type in Moodle in the search bar you’ll find that other people have had problems with it as well
  • Marc Weiss Thanks – I was going the opposite way and looking on the Moodle site. Sometimes they have fixes there that admins can find.

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