Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises & Prayer Requests for March 2025

March 4th, 2025

We so appreciate your prayers! This month, please especially keep in mind:

1. Praise God that ultimately the work and the glory belong to Him. It is He who enables us, works in the hearts and lives of those who come to the various ministry sites, and bears eternal fruit through it all. Pray that He will continue to equip and direct us. Pray that we will be faithful stewards of all He entrusts to us, diligent laborers, and grateful recipients of His blessing. Pray for wisdom, humility, courage, and perseverance in the work. Pray that all who participate in the work of GQM will grow in their love and knowledge of the Lord because of it. Pray that God will continue to use GQM to His glory.

2. Praise God for people asking questions and seeking biblical understanding. Pray that all who come to the various GQM sites will be edified by the content. Pray that those who don’t yet know Christ will be drawn to Him and that GQM resources will help believers mature in their faith. Pray for impact far beyond the screen—in hearts and lives, for those who initially find the content and for all with whom they might share it. 

3. Praise God for the connectivity of the digital world and the opportunities it provides. People from around the globe are able to access GQM resources in a variety of ways, even doing so in their native languages. Pray that GQM will be a light in the darkness, that those who are seeking truth will be able to easily find the content they need, and that online exchanges and activity will translate into the real world in impactful ways across the globe and throughout generations.  

4. Praise God for the people who participate with Him in the work of GQM in such a wide variety of ways and with myriad roles. Pray for fellow GQM Team members and partners. Practical circumstances vary broadly, and prayer is certainly useful and appreciated for life situations. A common need for all is to be ever more deeply rooted in the love of Christ, sanctified in truth, and steadfast in hope. Pray for spiritual growth and spiritual protection for one another. Pray for God’s abiding peace and joy. Pray for wisdom and willing hearts to walk it out. Pray for unity in families and church communities. Pray for fellow GQM Team members to be at rest in the Lord, mature in Him, and deeply delight in Him.

Thank you so much for your prayers! We pray for you, too, so please let us know of any special requests you have.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement