As many of you know, we have several frequent questioners. Some have told us they have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, or another similar issue. Others seem angry at God. And others we’re not really sure about. We attempt to answer all questioners with grace and pray they will be able to see truth. But we also want to use resources wisely and protect our writers. So we do flag these questioners and try to keep an eye on their questioning activity. That being said, we obviously can’t do this alone. So please feel free to cut off endless conversations, and please let us know if there is a particular questioner you wonder about.
Several of our frequent questioners ask way too many questions in one submission. If you ever receive a question like this, please feel free to respond to the questions you are able to, or want to, and ask them to resubmit the remainder. You can also refer them to articles. Again, we want to be gracious and helpful while also being wise about beneficial use of resources, particularly your time.