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Discussion on Christian hip-hop

February 26th, 2016
Jason Finch
February 25, 2016 · Castaic, CA, United States

No matter the popularity of this hip hop artist, what he is peddling is a false doctrine. Denying the Trinity is denying God Himself. We need to be careful of those we listen to, and allow to influence our lives, especially on theological matters.

Jesus said this,

John 8:24 ESV
“I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I AM HE you will die in your sins.”

I AM HE = a direct claim to deity, and a title that Yahweh uses when describing Himself in the Old Testament.

Isaiah 41:4, 41:10; 43:10, 43:13, 43:25; 48:12.















Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Who would ever listen(sic) to a hip hop person about anything, much less doctrines of Theology???

Laurel J. Davis

Laurel J. Davis I would. There are hip hop artists who are sound, even apologists. This guy’s just not one of them.

Julie Kimani

Julie Kimani My teenage daughter would. If she listened to this, she’d be confused. He’s quoting scripture and he’s confident in what he’s saying. If the listener doesn’t have a solid understanding of the trinity, this is going to make sense to them. As a hip hop artist, his appeal is to teens and young adults. Those are the exact audience that aren’t going to know enough about he doctrine of the trinity to not be swayed by this guy.

Jason Finch
Jason Finch Julie Kimani
Yes, we need to teach the young ones solid biblical theology. If they aren’t taught, how will they know? They are the next generation of the church.

Julie Kimani

Julie Kimani Absolutely! Apologetics is the subject of my family devotions! My kids WILL know their stuff and be able to challenge and give an answer to any college professor once they hit college.

Jason Finch
Jason Finch Julie Kimani
Amen, my kids as well.

Gwen Sellers

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Jason Finch

Jason Finch Well, to clarify, he makes Christian hip hop. I actually have never heard of him though. But to answer your question, there are some Christian hip hop artists that are theologically sound in both their music as well as their sermons. Artists like Shai Linne and Timothy Brindle, are two that I know off the top of my head that are very reformed in their theology.

Tim White

Tim White I am safe on this one. He may deny the Trinity, but I will not hear him because he has denied the basic principles of good music. But I will try to discourage those from listening who do not have such a refined taste in music as myself.

Julie Kimani

Julie Kimani Oh dear Tim. I’m afraid we can’t be friends. Hip hop and reggae is pretty much all I listen to!

Tim White

Tim White We can be friends because, by God’s grace, you can be forgiven for your music taste. smile emoticon

Gwen Sellers

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Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Jason, it is very difficult for me to divorce my mind that the images from our secular culture project in my head. Sorry, that’s how I’m wired.

Gwen Sellers
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Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Let me make myself clear- I’m sure that these artists can use their gift in a positive, doctrinal way. I’m not disputing that! I’m am simply stating my own personal taste, which is a professional Western Music education. By definition, I wouldn’t classify it as music (in most cases that I have heard). I DO REALIZE that there are segments of society that do listen to this and if they after hearing this music can be brought to a relationship with our Lord and Savior, then that is wonderful!

Laurel J. Davis

Laurel J. Davis That sounds much better than how you first expressed yourself: “Who would ever listen to a hip hop person about anything, much less doctrines of Theology” with three question marks. Thanks for clarifying.

Gwen Sellers
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Sarah Van Baale

Sarah Van Baale My oldest not only listens to Lecrae and Trip Lee, he also goes on youtube and listens to their sermons. Now, he listens to them out loud in the middle of the kitchen where our computer is so my ears are always on. Thankfully, these two rap artists are quite sound. I don’t know the guy above, but I have no problem with my children listening to music or sermons from people who are not “official theologians” as long as their theology is on track.

Kristi-Joy Matovich

Kristi-Joy Matovich I used to enjoy both of them a lot. Tedashi was another favorite. My tastes go through phases, so I’m not listening to them these days, but I’m sure I’ll return at some point.

Gwen Sellers
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Jason Finch

Jason Finch Yes Sarah exactly. We need to be discerning of the message that artists put out. The thing is, nobody is 100% heretical. Lies are always wrapped in truth. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump, in time.

Sarah Van Baale

Sarah Van Baale I agree Jason, but there is also a difference between false teachers and those saved teachers who get it wrong from time to time. Because, if we’re honest, no one has perfect theology. Yes, there are certain things we cannot compromise on, like the Trinity, but there are secondary and tertiary doctrines where we have to be a little bit careful about how we apply correction. For instance, there is a pastor in my church who I’ve known my whole life. He was a terrible kid and I was the object of his wrath. But he turned his life over to Christ sometime in high school and underwent a complete transformation. He is a sold out believer, but boy when he teaches from the Bible does he get it wrong a lot. I’m not sure if he doesn’t understand or if he relies too much on his own feelings when he teaches, but he isn’t a false teacher, he’s just wrong. Thankfully, when approached gently with correction, he realigns his beliefs with biblical truth. The guy above may or may not be a Christian. If he doesn’t preach the Trinity, then I wouldn’t sit under his teaching. But it could be the case that if he is a believer that he simply needs correcting. None of us are perfect, but it is exceedingly important to distinguish false prophets from uninformed teaching. After all, it isn’t doctrine that saves us.

Laurel J. Davis

Laurel J. Davis Here are the lyrics to one “song.” Let me know if anybody needs me to explain some of the slang:

“What’cha Gonna Do?”

Subject: Street Evangelism
Lyrics by: P. Franklin, R. Causley, D.Drew, and C. Scott
Produced by: E-Nuf
Copyright: 2004
Scripture Inspiration: Matt. 28:19, 20

(Verse 1 – CO)
Dang, homey, tell me what you running from
What you thought it was? Where you think I’m coming from?
First one to get’em up, last one to run’s, how you hit ’em up
Inside lean when you hoo-ride (leaning in the driver’s seat like you’re cool), Twisted off the lime green (car color)
You stay strapped (carry a gun), cause you scared and can’t scrap a lick (can’t fist fight) – Cream filling (scaredy-cat)
Thirty years old still gang banging, drug dealing
Swimming in women, dawg, you need healing
Body full of tats and scars
That you floss (show off) like stripes from wars
Spinning in it, zig zagging in and out of traffic
Hitting switches scraping ditches (like a low-rider car with hydrolic shock absorbers)
Don’t sip, drink nothing, ain’t got gin in it
Freshly acquitted, new lease on life
But you always gotta bounce (leave) when I mention Christ (What’s up with that?)
All’s I’m try’na do, yo, is get you to trade your pitch fork in for a halo
That shines like the ice under Eskimos
And be a light to the hood — get right tonight (homey)
Christ is what you best be ‘bout, ‘bout
Before the sand in your hourglass runs out, no doubt

The world is scandalous
You just can’t handle it
But what you fail to see
The Lord is who you need, He’ll set you free
You can run but you sure can’t hide
Live by the truth, don’t die by a lie
What’cha gonna do?
The choice is up to you
Better shake your crew

(Verse 2 – Jah Word as the antagonist/skeptic)
Yo! miss me with the drama (I don’t want to hear what you have to say),
Save that religious crap for the weak-minded and your momma
See I gots to get mine
While you watching the clouds a brother like me gone shine
I ain’t fooled one bit by them hypocrites, you know frontin’ (faking it) in the pulpit
Jesus can save?
What kind of God you got he can’t save your perverted ways?
And you wanna judge me?
You must think I’m blind, you know I saw you on the TV
Done caught yourself a case (got in trouble) – Oh! Boy
Pastor-man got a thing for them little boys
Sho’ ‘nuf it ain’t funny
The way you pay for your Lex (Lexus) with my poor grandmother’s money
What good is your book?
All I see is few who are taking and most getting took
Won’t let me in your church ’cause my pants sag
Funny how I see your choir leader dressed in drag
But you won’t speak on it
To keep them tithes steady coming you’re willing to sleep on it

(Breakdown – Rayza)
Here we go again, more excuses
Don’t you know, dawg, that’s what guilt produces?
Talking ‘bout hypocrites, saying the Bible contradicts
Pedophiles in pulpits
But no matter how you add it up, you can’t change the math
‘Cause your sin minus Christ equals God’s wrath
Excuses are trash; Yo, Slack, put this cat on blast

(Verse 3 – Slack)
I got a question, dawg, fact or fiction, dawg
Does wearing a cross mean you a Christian, dawg?
Does it guarantee that when you die, you’ll be let in?
Into the kingdom of God though you chose to reject Him?
The same God you deny and don’t believe
Is the same God that’s still giving you breath to breathe
For your sin He sent His Son to bleed
You think He’s bluffing? You think God just let His Son get murdered for nothing?
You buggin (being irrational)! You better trust Him!
‘Cause God got a hot oven, dawg, if you really don’t love Him (that’s real dawg)
So hide if you want to behind excuses, but you’ll die if you don’t do
Everything that God says do, and you don’t, man, He sees it
Nothing’s hidden from His sight, not even Victoria’s Secrets
So tell me what’s the reason?
Why don’t you cease from the treason and trust and believe Him?
Repent son! All that talent you got
Stop using your gifts against Him
And remember, man, money, ice, women, cars and houses
Never should be put before God
Reject Jesus, you reject God Himself
God’s mercy, God’s love, God’s grace, God’s help
God’s plan, God’s word, God’s glory, God’s church
God’s forgiveness and His redeeming work, yo
So what’s it gonna be? What’cha gonna do?
Talking about the hypocrite, you gone be in hell, too
Yelling like Phineas Ichabod
While your soul’s cooking like a shish kabob

The world is scandalous
You just can’t handle it
But what you fail to see
The Lord is who you need, He’ll set you free
You can run but you sure can’t hide
Live by the truth, don’t die by a lie
What’cha gonna do?
The choice is up to you
Better shake your crew

Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Who can give me a definitive list of sound doctrinal Christian Hip Hop artists. I want to listen to some.

Jason Finch

Jason Finch Shai Linne for sure. Listen to his albums “Stories” and “Attributes”

Kristi-Joy Matovich

Kristi-Joy Matovich Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii (my personal favorite), and Clique 116 should give you a good intro. If you use Pandora, you can enter those artists as seeds for a station and it will give you almost exclusively christian rap / hip hop songs (at least it did as of a couple years ago).

Gwen Sellers

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Sarah Van Baale

Sarah Van Baale I haven’t heard Lecrae or Trip Lee go off track yet, and I always read the lyrics. Beyond that, I have yet to approve of anyone one else my children want to listen to.

Justin Tilghman

Justin Tilghman I have to agree with Sarah, I have yet to see anything from Trip Lee or Lecrae that made me uneasy. That doesn’t mean there isn’t anything…but if there is, I haven’t seen it yet. I’ve heard Trip Lee on some issues before and have found him to be quite “legit”

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Jason Finch

Jason Finch I’m actually a Christian hip hop artist myself, so please give one of my songs a listen, as I must be examined by my brothers and sisters. This song is over a year old and I have learned quite a bit since then.

©Jason D Finch The lyrics to this song are not for public use.
Julie Kimani

Julie Kimani Very nice! Made me dance!

Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Julie Kimani

Julie Kimani I liked “My Confession” even more! What else you got?

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Jason Finch

Jason Finch Every video down to “Love and Truth video” is my music. Feel free to check them all out on my page.

underground0331 is my YouTube page.

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Jason Finch
Jason Finch Julie Kimani
Thank you Julie!

Gwen Sellers

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Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Thanks all!

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Jonathan Anders

Jonathan Anders Well said Jason!

Joe Maxey

Joe Maxey Gotquestions just posted this article…good read!

Is listening to Christian heavy metal music wrong? Is…
Jason Finch

Jason Finch Here is another upcoming Christian hip hop artist who has wholesome words.

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