Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank yous from December 2015 donors

January 18th, 2016

I thank God the day I came across this website (by mistake might i add) and it has been a source of invaluable information in my life and has blessed me tremendously in knowing about all facets of life and what the bible has to say about it. When I saw the opportunity to donate, I thank to myself “how could I not???” and what I am contributing cannot compare to the wealth of knowledge I receive from this website on a daily basis. i was a bit skeptical when i first started reading but I can say with all certainty that I have let my guard down and accept what you write as gospel because it comes straight from the Word. i am making a one time pledge but as funds become available to me I will continue to donate. Thank you to all the writers of all the articles for tremendously blessing my life and equipping me with the knowledge to understand God’s word a little better. I hope one day i can visit your ministry in person to see where the “inspired writing” is birthed and delive  red to the masses. God bless you all in Jesus name.


I appreciate y’all’s work and consistency. Stand firm in The Faith.


I use your apple app everyday and recommend it to all my friends (Christian and Non-believers). I have found your answers to be Biblically sound, accurate, balanced and easy to understand. It all shows the Lord is truly working through your ministry to communicate His Word to the world accurately that bring glory to Him. May God continue to send you His Best in all you do for Him!


I use your weekly question of the week for my Sunday School lesson so that we can share with each other and discuss the issue.  Keep up the good work!


Thank you for this outstanding resource to the church and particularly to those individuals within the church that are seeking the truth. Please keep up the excellent ministry!


I am a Deaf pastor and I use some of your articles for the Deaf Church. They are very useful because they are easy to read and keeping to the point and simple written English. Well done!


Thank you for the work you do and your commitment to truth.


Enjoy the weekly reading…Got questions. Thank you…will already remember how through your responses have been.


Thanks for your amazing contribution and dedication to spreading the Word and Answering the most important questions.


I enjoy your website, and have used it often. It is an excellent ministry. Keep up the  good work.


#1 Christian resource for answers


Thanks for your thoughtful and Scriptural answers.  This has been very helpful and I have had opportunity to share the site.  May your efforts bear much good fruit.


Thank you so much for being such a valuable Bible-supporting resource! is one of my most valuable tools as I develop and deliver College & Career Sunday School lessons.


Thank you for this invaluable resource and the word you are doing to spread God’s truth.


Have turned to you many times this year for answers as I prepare for my Ladies Bible Study. I am most impressed that everything is backed up with scripture. That is why I keep coming back. Keep up the good work and I pray God’s continued Blessing upon you.


God has blessed me with your site.  I pray in Jesus name that your site continues that it may reach those who are lost.  God Bless you all.


Thank you for your ministry.  My son and I often refer to it for bible study or to start conversation about God.  Keep up the good work that you do.  God Bless!


Because, while I don’t use your page often, when I do come across it in the search results, I have found your answers to be of SOUND DOCTRINE in an age of New Winds and seducing spirits … and strong delusions and a refusal to love the Truth.  I’m not rich, but I hope this helps, somehow, to keep this webpage running, and in some very small measure, its moderators and content managers supported … to the GLORY OF THE SON, and the DELIGHT OF THE FATHER, and the GOOD PLEASURE OF THE SPIRIT.


I received salvation through this site. God is truly good and He is using this ministry greatly, I tell everyone I meet about the truths found here.


I want to thank you in behalf of @John316 Wing Twitter ministry. You have help me spread the Gospel and build a successful ministry . I’m a 51 year old HighSchool dropout and now I’m a Student at Liberty University by the grace of God …. Thank you !


Have found this website to be soooooo helpful!

We minister to hundreds of young men and women from China who are training to be commercial pilots in China.  They train near our home in Oregon for 12-18 months.

We have them “translate”(put into pinyin) the materials on your website as a means of helping us learn Chinese and them learning biblical truths!

It is a very effective way to expose many of them and their families/friends to the Lord!

Thank you so much!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement