From Eric Hoehn, who has been a volunteer with us since January 2011: I have a great story relative to Got Questions and how God is using it. I pastor at a local church. One of our other pastors is a chaplain for the local police. He helped a family over the weekend through an unexpected death. They needed a pastor to do the funeral (which I did today) so they came to me at our other pastor’s recommendation. As I was walking through the service with the folks they said they had some things they wanted me to include in the service. Wouldn’t you know it, they pulled up an article on their iPhone about the eternal state from Got Questions. When I saw it, I shared with them that I am one of the writers on the site. They started to weep and said that now they were sure God was leading them. These folks are inexperienced believers and don’t attend church much. They were looking for comfort on the internet and came across our Got Questions article. God used it in powerful way in this family’s life. In a very real way, you ministered with me to this family at the funeral today.
From a questioner: “Not a question but more of a THANK you! I had so many questions after accepting God back into my life and He led me to this website that I read daily and every questions I have or had have is found here!!!!”
From a questioner: “Firstly, I would like to say thank you for providing all of these questions and answers. It has helped me tremendously! I have been wanting to solidify my relationship with Christ and this has definitely been the foundation for that!”
We praise God for allowing us to join in His work. And we pray He will bring many more to salvation and deeper relationship with Him. Thank you for joining with us!