Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Help on a Question regarding original Hebrew word in Jeremiah 1:5 (knew/chose)

December 3rd, 2014
Sarah Van Baale December 3, 2014 Any one familiar with Hebrew want to help me out? The "knew" in Jeremiah 1:5 is sometimes translated as "chose." Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. I get the impression that my questioner thinks we're all walking around living life in heaven before we're born as infants on this earth and I suspect this verse, and in particular this word, might be the culprit. What does that original word . . .

Writing Tips Article

December 3rd, 2014
Gwen Sellers December 2, 2014 I found this interesting and thought you all might enjoy it as well ... How to Be a Better Writer: 6 Tips From Harvard’s Steven Pinker U want 2B a better writer? Good writing is often looked at as an art and, frankly, that can be intimidating. No need to worry.… TIME.COM Like · · Share Seen by 27 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil, Ed Chait and 2 others like this. Ed Chait Excellent! . . .

Christmas Promo: GQ T-Shirts!! (click to see pictures)

December 2nd, 2014
Want a Got Questions T-shirt? We would love to send you one. Just make a $5 donation to the ministry to cover the cost of shipping, let us know your size, and a shirt will be on its way. We have the gray shirts below in sizes S to 2XL   We have a limited amount of the colored shirts below (In medium we have 4 brown, 3 navy blue, and 1 light blue. In large we have 6 purple and 4 light blue. In XL we have 1 purple and 3 light blue. It will be first come, first served for colored shirts)     . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – December 2014

December 1st, 2014
Praises and Prayer Requests: As always, thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry. This month please specifically pray for: 1. Abundant financial provision. December is a very important month financially for most ministries. While we do not rely on an abundant December as much as some ministries do, it is still great to finish a year strong and enter a new year with a solid financial foundation. 2. Wisdom and discernment. There is so much we could be doing, but we want to be in tune with the Lord's priorities. Pray that we would . . .

Scripture for Pause and Praise during Advent

December 1st, 2014
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. The true light, which . . .

Thank you from donors – November 2014

December 1st, 2014
Thank you for this site. I refer to it often and am blessed by its answers.   Thank you for your wonderful ministry (and the free bumper sticker)!  Keep up the great work.  I find your site to be doctrinally sound and very informative.  May the Lord continue to bless you and draw many to Himself through   This ministry is a life line ...thank you for all the work you do ...may you be richly blessed.   Thank you so much for your work for God in providing sound, Bible-based answers to practical . . .

Discussion on the Abrahamic Covenant for a Q&A

December 1st, 2014
Jed Kramer November 28 at 11:01pm · Edited I appreciate your thoughts on this... I'm responding to a question dealing with the Abrahamic Covenant. I like to link GQ articles to my response, but the following article didn't seem quite right. After the first 3 paragraphs, the article is excellent. But, might the first 3 paragraphs need a rewrite? The first 3 paragraphs of the article repeatedly state that the Abrahamic Covenant was unconditional; requiring nothing of Abraham or his descendants. However, Abraham was required . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement