Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Definitions of Grace – from Stephen Pugh

November 25th, 2013
Another of our writers, Stephen Pugh, has kindly shared his research on grace. Be blessed as you contemplate God's goodness! GraceThere are two Greek words associated with this word, charis and euprepeia.The first word ‘charis’ is used in a number of ways. It can mean a thing that gives pleasure, delight, or causes favourable regard; it is applied to beauty, or gracefulness of person, or speech. It can also mean the friendliness that leads to acts of kindness, graciousness, loving-kindness, and goodwill generally. However the word ‘charis’ . . .

Helpful definitions from Bill Stowe

November 18th, 2013
One of our writers, Bill Stowe, recently shared some helpful working definitions of common biblical terms and was kind enough to make them a resource available for us all. Working definitions of some Bible words (put together from a variety of sources through the years). Wisdom:  skill for living. Grace:  Audrey (my wife of 37+ years -- and now with the Lord since November 23, 1987) found an interesting and helpful definition of grace in an article by D. G. Kehl entitled "Where Has the Charisma Gone?" in the August 30, 1974 issue of Christianity . . .

What we’re talking about on Facebook

November 5th, 2013
Ed Chait asked a great question: What kinds of things can we do to make our answers more personable? Here's what some of you said ... Ed, what I do is speak while I write. That way, I write in my normal voice. When I don't do that, I tend to sound more formal and less personable. – Ed Romero I try to adapt my tone, vocabulary, and such to the person. The closer the response is to the way they would answer, if they could, the better, but that's a lot easier in person than in writing. I try to add touches of language, or references to . . .

Answering Tips from the Team

November 1st, 2013
Pray. Employ prayer partners. Use concordances. Look up the meaning of words in the original language. The Bible is its best interpreter. Sometimes commentaries are helpful, but sometimes they are wrong or overly theologically heavy. Remember to keep things in context. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide then research in the Bible and online. A few of the sites we recommend:;;; and When you're using information from other sites, . . .

Beth’s Insight on the Church in Africa

November 1st, 2013
The Church in Africa We get a lot of questions from people in Africa, and it didn't take long in this job before I realized there was a cultural difference that kept me from understanding exactly how to answer. Recently I became aware of a documentary on churches in Ghana and Zimbabwe called African Christianity Rising. Several churches, from Roman Catholic to independent Zion, are profiled, and the leadership interviewed. The video is quite limited, though. For instance, we don't find out what the churches preach about salvation or tithing. . . .

Beth’s Perspective on Christian Questioners with OCD

November 1st, 2013
My husband, when he's stressed, exhibits minor signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). He asks me the same questions over and over, he rechecks door locks, and he questions his salvation. If you've been a GotQuestions writer for longer than a week, you've most likely received a question from someone with OCD. We don't usually get calls for help about hand-washing or door lock-checking. We mostly get intrusive thoughts and chronic doubts about salvation. How do we respond to someone who has written in for the 12th time because they're convinced . . .

Question Answering Tips

October 10th, 2013
• If there is demographic information in the question, take that into consideration before you answer. • Read between the lines a little. It's okay to ask curious questions of the questioner or to suggest that they may be asking about something they have not specifically stated. Of course, be respectful and don't assume, but you can use your intuition and follow the Holy Spirit's leading. • Be personable in your tone. Respond to the questioner as an actual person, not as a test question or an article prompt. • Don't feel pressured . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement