Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from May 2020

June 2nd, 2020
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. It walks through the verses step-by-step, helping the questioner comprehend the words in the verses, interpret them, and then apply them. It also points the questioner to a related, helpful verse. The response is easy to understand and genuinely friendly in tone. ** Question: What does Psalm 131:1-2 mean? Profile: Male, North America, New Christian, 26—35 Answered by: Doug Andre, who has been a volunteer with us since May, 2007. Answer: Psalm 131 is written by David and . . .

Sample Q&A from April 2020

May 4th, 2020
** This response is biblically sound, thorough, and personable. It has good logical flow and explains concepts clearly. It answers the question asked while also demonstrating to the questioner some tools to use to answer such questions. Too, it explains related issues. A summarizing statement helps the questioner walk away with a direct answer to the question that is bolstered by the previous explanations. The response is genuinely friendly in tone, inviting the questioner in and demonstrating a desire to help her understand God's Word. ** Question: . . .

Sample Q&A from March 2020

March 31st, 2020
** This is a generic response written by Jeff Laird in reply to the many questions about coronavirus we've been receiving. We thought it might be helpful to you in conversations we expect you are having, too … As one might expect, Got Questions has received a massive number of questions about the coronavirus pandemic, also known as COVID-19. These questions are unique, yet they usually feature recurring themes. The following are brief answers to those categories; if you have a specific question not answered by what’s below, or by our articles, . . .

Sample Q&A from February 2020

March 2nd, 2020
** This response presents biblical truth clearly and does so with a genuinely friendly tone. The response has logical flow and provides biblical support for the points made. It also offers additional resources that might be helpful. The response conveys genuine care and provides useful and understandable material for the questioner. ** Question: How do I respond to someone who says they believe in Jesus but not the gospel? Profile: Male, North America, Christian, Under 19 Answered by: Richard Martin, who has been a volunteer with us since . . .

Sample Q&A from January 2020

February 3rd, 2020
** This response is biblically sound, easy to understand, and personable. It directly answers the question and also demonstrates important Bible study skills to the questioner. The tone is genuinely kind and God's truth is shared. Question: What do proverbs 21:2 really mean and what's the application to this verse? Answered by: Robert LeClair, who has been a volunteer with us since August, 2015. Answer: Hello friend, and welcome to our site. Thank you so much for this opportunity to answer this outstanding question for you. Let's go directly . . .

Sample Q&A from December 2019

January 2nd, 2020
** This response is biblically sound and written with clarity and logical flow. It addresses the question directly, explains concepts well, and encourages the questioner to look to God's Word for truth. It is also genuinely friendly in tone. ** Question: Is God calling non-Christians in our modern world to follow the Law (Ten Commandments) given to the Israelites? Profile: Male, Oceana, Under 19 Answered by: Eric Reaves, who has been a volunteer with us since September, 2017. Answer: Thank you for asking this great question. I appreciate . . .

Sample Q&A from September 2019

October 3rd, 2019
* This response answers the question biblically, thoroughly, and with clear explanations. It conveys foundational truths about God, provides biblical support, gives useful logical arguments, and is easy to understand. The tone is genuinely kind throughout. The response also provides further resources that could be useful to the questioner. ** Question: I have a genuine question. why doesn't God show His face? how good would the world be if God ruled making all people know that He is God? why doesn't God's name appear in CNN Or BBC or Fox news . . .

Sample Q&A from August 2019

September 2nd, 2019
** This response is biblically sound, concise yet complete, easy to understand, and personable. The response does a good job of defining terms to give a basis of understanding, and it directly answers the question with biblical truth about who God is. The writing is clear, and the tone is friendly throughout. **  Question: Topic--- What is the power of Praising God, even in difficult situations. Profile: Female, Africa, Christian, 46–60 Answered by: Chelsea Kilmer, who has been a volunteer with us since August, 2012 Answer: . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement