Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&As from July 2022

August 1st, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. The question is answered directly and the writer invites the questioner into further personal study. ** Question: Can you explain Daniel 4:9-18 Profile: Female, North America, 36–45 Answered by: Polly Gwinn, who has been a volunteer with us since October, 2004. Answer: In most cases if you continue to read, the bible will explain itself.  Daniel 4:1-18 tells us about King Nebuchadnezzar's dream or vision.  Daniel 4:19-27 explains the dream by Daniel.  The . . .

Sample Q&A from June 2022

July 1st, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, provides scripture references, answers the question directly and concisely, and has an appropriate tone. The hope of the gospel is shared and further resources that might be helpful are included. ** Question: How can Christians say, after God kills Lot's wife for merely looking at the destruction of her home, that he is still an ALL loving & ALL merciful being? Profile: Male, North America, 19–25 Answered by: Steven Herold, who has been a volunteer with us since February, 2009. Answer:  . . .

Sample Q&A from May 2022

June 3rd, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. It answers the questions directly and clearly, providing scriptural support and easy-to-understand explanations. The tone is genuinely kind. ** Question: Hello Didn't Paul believe Jesus would come back in his lifetime? when Paul says, " Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth. But when these tents are destroyed, we know that God will give each of us a place to live. These homes will not be buildings someone has made, but they are in heaven and will last forever. . . .

Sample Q&A from April 2022

May 2nd, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, thorough, and personable. The response has logical flow, provides useful background information, gives clear explanations, sets forth a framework to approach similar questions in the future, and has an inviting tone. ** Question: Can you explain the seemingly contradictory accounts of the gospels regarding Simon carrying the cross. Obviously it was important as all 3 mentioned it but John says it did not happen and Christ carried it alone. This and other discrepancies such as the criminals both mocking . . .

Sample Q&A from March 2022

April 1st, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. The writer answers the question directly and thoroughly, gives sufficient support to his statements, offers helpful further resources, and shares wise advice. The response has logical flow and the tone throughout is genuinely kind. ** Question: I saw a TikTok vid that was saying when we have doubts ask God and wait for Him to answer. I looked down below the comment section and a unbeliever said “God will only give vague answers to your doubts not logical answers” My question . . .

Sample Q&A from February 2022

March 1st, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, written with clarity, and genuinely friendly in tone. It answers the question directly while presenting multiple opinions on a debatable matter with appropriate support and illustration. The tone is kind and approachable. ** Question: How much time elapsed between each of The plagues in Egypt? In Exodus 9:1-7, God sent pestilence that killed all the livestock in Egypt. In 9:18ff hail and fire struck every beast and livestock that was not brought into safety…. Just wondering where the livestock came from . . .

Sample Q&A from January 2022

February 1st, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, well written, and personable. It answers the question directly, provides scriptural support, has logical flow, and gives clear explanations. The tone throughout is genuinely friendly. ** Question: Why did JESUS mention he came for division in Luke 12:49 onwards when He is apparently referred to as the "Prince of Peace"? Profile: Asia, 19—25 Answered by: Linda Clifton, who has been a volunteer with us since August, 2019. Answer: Greetings, Thank you for this question regarding Jesus Christ, who . . .

Sample Q&A from December 2021

January 3rd, 2022
** This response is biblically sound, well written, and personable. It answers the question directly and thoroughly, focuses on Scripture, gives clear explanations, and points to further resources that might be helpful. The tone conveys genuine care. ** Question: I dont feel good. I have purposely knowingly willfully deliberately wanted to sin. Even after knowing the truth of Jesus. And that He died for me. I even knew Hebrews 10:26. I sinned while knowing that Hebrews 10:26 says that willfully sinning lies no forgiveness. But the anger of . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement