Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from December 2023

January 3rd, 2024
** This response answers the question directly, makes good use of current site resources, and provides useful foundational information for understanding the Bible. The tone is genuinely caring. The answer also alludes to the message of the gospel and points the questioner to Jesus. ** Question: Did Judas or the priests purchase the field of blood with 30 pieces of silver? Why do Matthew 27:3-10 and Acts 1:15-20 give different stories? Is this a contradiction in scripture? How do we resolve it? Profile: Male, North America, 26–35 Answered . . .

Sample Q&A from November 2023

December 4th, 2023
** This response answers the question directly, provides helpful resources, gives wise practical advice, and is encouraging in tone. ** Question: What is or should be the relationship between evangelism and apologetics? When should we be offensive and when should we be defensive? Profile:Female, North America, 19–25 Answered by: Barb Reynolds, who has been a volunteer with us since July, 2012. Answer: Thank you for writing to with a great question. Evangelism is the proclamation that salvation is in Jesus Christ . . .

Sample Q&A from September 2023

October 2nd, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, provides scriptural support, and is personable in tone. It answers the question directly, has logical flow, and explains foundational issues clearly. ** Question: If Abraham was justified by faith before the belief in Jesus, why did Jesus have to come down and die for sins? How come people in the old testament couldn't just do the same like Abraham to be justified. Why did Jesus have to die if there was already a way to be saved like how Abraham was saved? Profile: Male, North America, 26–35, Christian Answered . . .

Sample Q&A from August 2023

September 5th, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, answers the question asked, explains the verses in question with clarity, provides a helpful summary, and maintains a genuinely kind tone.** Question: I am doing a bible study of Romans. I had a question about Romans 8:17 which says we will share in His glory. I read the article from “Got Questions - What does it mean to be co-heirs with Christ?” Then I read your article - Why will God not give His glory to another? (Isaiah 42:8) ? The article states, “He will not share it (His glory) with anyone”. . . .

Sample Q&A from July 2023

August 1st, 2023
** This response answers the question directly, provides clear explanation, and is personable in tone. It also further elaborates on the verse in question and highlights the character of God. ** Question: What is the Hebrew translation for the KJV phrase wonderfully made? (Ps. 139:14). Also, for marvellous, too. Profile: Female, North America, Over 75, Christian Answered by: Jerry Humphrey, who has been a volunteer with us since June, 2022. Answer: Hello there, and thank you for trusting us to answer your question. Let's dive in. Psalm . . .

Sample Q&A from June 2023

July 3rd, 2023
** This response answers the question directly, provides helpful historical context information, gives a deeper understanding of God's Word through definitions and explanations, and is genuinely kind in tone. ** Question: How could the Israelites learn and meditate the Word of God in a civilization where written scripture are supposed to be expensive? Profile: Female, Europe, Under 19, New Christian Answered by: Taylor Anaya, who has been a volunteer with us since December, 2022 (in addition to several years of prior service). Answer: . . .

Sample Q&A from April 2023

May 1st, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, answers the question directly, and is encouraging in tone. The writer provides practical examples and connects with the questioner personally. ** Question: Do you know some scripture references that I can pray over my unsaved kids and grand kids? Profile: Female, North America, 46–60 Answered by: Rhonda Maydwell, who has been a volunteer with us since August 2016. Answer: Hello! Thank you for your question. I love praying over my children and grandchildren—some of whom are not saved. Don’t . . .

Sample Q&A from March 2023

April 3rd, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, easy to understand, and personable. It answers the question directly, even when the question lacked pertinent information. It provides appropriate background information and explanation as well as appropriate information for further study. The tone is genuinely friendly. ** Question: I'm looking for mention of the coming Messiah in the OT. Isaiah 49-9 states "for my name sake" Who is God referring to? Your site is such a blessing to me, thank you so much! Profile: Male, North America, 56–65, Christian Answered . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement