Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Tim Munger: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
I met Shea and Melissa at breakfast during the Independent Fundamental Churches of America convention in 2009. I was intrigued by their work and enjoyed our brief encounter. Later, I heard a conversation about a breakout session they held that they needed writers, so I went to their booth and expressed an interest in volunteering with GQ. I received the application shortly after, they accepted me, and I began my time. I do have a favorite question. A man from Australia wrote with a concern about the unpardonable sin. It led to a dialogue . . .

Steve Webb: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Ten years with GotQuestions! Wow! Only a few months away from age 70, I can look back and say it has been a wonderful ride with this ministry. Currently living in Wisconsin, raised in Illinois, university schooling in Nebraska, Virginia and Texas, and having lived in six towns in Texas (Midland, Houston, Corpus Christi, Lubbock, Dallas and Del Rio) along with short stints in Denver and Alabama, both before and interspersed with my geology career overseas, which took me and my family to Indonesia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Argentina, Russia  and . . .

Don Sullivan – 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
DI got involved with the ministry of when Shea came to visit with us in my previous work experience at the Christian Research Institute.  I saw GotQuestions as a much needed ministry that put the wisdom of scripture into an easy to grasp format, where people could ask the questions they had about scripture without feeling intimidated.  I still appreciate the work that happens at GotQuestions, and I enjoy seeing how many people have been impacted by the work that Shea and the team has done.  It’s really amazing to feel like . . .

Ten Year Anniversary Volunteer Profiles

November 1st, 2018

November brings Thanksgiving in the US. We like to take the November newsletter as an opportunity to say a special thank you to all of you for all the ways you serve with us in ministry. We are truly grateful for you!
Rather than a sample Q&A, you'll notice in this newsletter a celebration of volunteer writers for whom 2018 marks ten years of service with Got Questions. We've asked them to share a bit about why they became involved with Got Questions, why they've remained with us, and their time serving. Enjoy!
Jonathan . . .

10-Year Anniversary Volunteer Profiles

November 1st, 2017

Each year we like to celebrate our volunteers who have reached the 10-year mark of serving by sharing a bit about them with the entire team. I've asked them to share a little blurb with things about themselves, how they got started with Got Questions, what has kept them serving, and/or a favorite Got Questions story. Whether you've served with us for a few weeks or many years, likely something in their stories will resonate with you. Enjoy!
Kathy Martel (February):
Ten years ago, I had been talking online with Catholics for 6—7 years after . . .

Happy 10 Year Anniversary – Writer stories

November 4th, 2016

Brad Warren: I became involved with GQ mostly because of a Seminary class I had taken a year or two prior to applying. It was a Systematic Theology course and our Professor wisely included in our syllabus a project where we had to write several short mini-papers that answered real-life questions we might encounter while in ministry. The purpose was to have us apply our theological training to everyday situations in peoples' lives. I remember our Professor saying that our doctrinal understanding would be largely squandered if we couldn't explain . . .

Ten Year Anniversary Stories

December 2nd, 2015

We had several volunteers celebrate their 10th anniversary of serving with us in 2015. We thought it would be fun to share some of their GQ stories in their own words …
Scott Owen: I first met Shea in a restaurant in central Iowa several years ago after his ministry was recommended to me by an author in my church. I was intrigued with the opportunity to use my interest in writing with my desire to help people. The format fit well with my short attention span and fluctuating schedule. I have been using the Bible to answer questions about life . . .

Volunteer Profile: How long has everyone been working with GQ? And then some …

February 2nd, 2015

In January we were pleased to welcome 8 new volunteers to our team. We also celebrated several anniversaries. What anniversaries will the team be celebrating this year? Here are the numbers for 2015:

1st Anniversary – 31 volunteers will reach this milestone
2nd Anniversary – 29 volunteers will reach this milestone
3rd Anniversary – 35 volunteers will reach this milestone
4th Anniversary – 26 volunteers will reach this milestone
5th Anniversary – 21 volunteers will reach this milestone
6th Anniversary – 25 volunteers will reach . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement