Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Happy 10 Year Anniversary – Writer stories

November 4th, 2016

Brad Warren: I became involved with GQ mostly because of a Seminary class I had taken a year or two prior to applying. It was a Systematic Theology course and our Professor wisely included in our syllabus a project where we had to write several short mini-papers that answered real-life questions we might encounter while in ministry. The purpose was to have us apply our theological training to everyday situations in peoples’ lives. I remember our Professor saying that our doctrinal understanding would be largely squandered if we couldn’t explain it to a grieving family who’d just lost a child, a struggling couple whose marriage was falling apart, or a child asking basic questions about God and the world around us.

I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated those assignments and can say looking back that he was completely right. I’ve had countless opportunities whether in formal teaching and preaching formats or in one-on-one counseling to draw on my education and apply it to everyday Christian living and I believe his class laid that foundation. So when I happened (providentially, of course!) upon the GQ website one day, I instantly knew I had to be a part of this ministry. For one, I love how God’s word changes lives and even if I don’t get to see the person’s face, I know that I have done a small part to help them honor God with their hearts and minds. Also, as someone in ministry and especially early on in my career prior to pastoring I have found that my weekly assignments from GQ help keep me sharp. I am constantly challenged by the varied questions and perspectives I encounter and the exercise of providing biblical answers to our clients spills over into and benefits my local church ministry in great ways.

Thank you, Got Questions for allowing me to be a part of your ministry. It surely ripples throughout the Kingdom in ways only our Lord knows!

Carl Tebeau: Hello, my name is Carl Tebeau and I just had my 10th year anniversary with I have been very blessed in being selected to write for this ministry which I came across while searching for an answer to a question I had. My own salvation experience came to me when I was 52 years old on January 4, 2001, at about 2:00 P.M. while I was carrying hay to the barn. At the time I bred Paint Horses. What brought me to this point in my life was the realization of what sin had done in it and I was also prompted from having read the book series “Left Behind.” God did a complete 180 degree turn around on my life. The things that I was completely disinterested in, the Bible, Church, trying to live without sin in my life became an obsession with me. I suddenly had an intense desire to read the Bible and study Christians Apologetics. I also started praying and asking God how I could serve Him. Seems the only answer that ever came back was that quiet voice in my head; “read the book.” Eventually I came to know that the Lord intended me to write for this ministry. I find it very satisfying and exciting when I get a question and the wheels start turning. When I finish I pray God will use what I have written to help someone come to Him and know the peace we have in being a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. My fondest moments have been when I discovered several of my answers had been archived and one was even published in the ministry’s book. God has, and continues to bless me abundantly through this ministry. It will probably be in the next life, but I can’t wait to meet all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, in glory. See you there.

Lana Brogan: My first experience with GQ was a question submission. I asked what the Bible said about how many children we should have. We had 2 at the time and I felt convictions to have more, but I was afraid of the expense, sacrifice, and ability to do it. Since I had a boy and a girl lots of people would say that I already had the perfect family so I didn’t need to have any more kids. However, I felt the Lord leading me to the verse that children were a blessing and that having more siblings was more valuable than material items I could give. My children were so wonderful it made me think why wouldn’t I want more of these little people? So I submitted my question to GQ to see if there were any other scriptures I didn’t know about regarding children. The writer answered me fairly close to all my inner convictions about the value of children and that God would bless that endeavor so my fears were diminished. We now have 6 beautiful wonderful children in our family who we love more than anything on earth! We are raising them in the way they should go to know Jesus and follow Him. We’re very thankful for the encouragement from GQ that goes against mainstream society norms and validates sound biblical judgment for Christian living.

The reason I am a writer is because while I was reading some articles I saw you needed writers. I thought the Lord was calling me to serve in a counseling ministry since that was the passion He put in my heart. My education is also in psychology and biblical counseling so I thought it would be a way to use my talents from home and still serve (other than serving my family). It has become a part of my Bible study as well because I have had to search scripture for a variety of questions and topics. I’ve learned a lot by being a writer as well as hopefully helped some people along the way. I always ask the Lord to write through me and just use me to say whatever He wants. The best part is when the person responds by thanking me and telling me how much better they feel from getting some clarity for their issue. I hope the Lord will continue to use me and Got Questions to spread the gospel and equip believers to follow Jesus Christ!

Joanne Devoe: What got me involved was I was searching the Internet for a biblical answer for a school assignment and came across Then I kept asking more and more questions and researching other answers on the site. I saw the link to being a staff writer and gave it a shot. Then I got accepted and I have not regretted it at all. In fact I look forward to my next question and after answering my allotted ones, at times I am disappointed that I don’t have another one waiting in the wings. But school assignments prevent me from taking on more for now.

So what keeps me going? I love all of the questions because more often than not, I obtain information about God and the Bible that I may not have even thought of. Also the monthly reports, seeing how the professions of faith have increased over the years and being just a small part of that brings me such great joy! Even if it was not one of my questioners, just knowing that I can contribute toward planting seeds, helping people get acquainted with Jesus and grow in the faith, means so much to me. I am so grateful to be a part of this team.

Cliff Lim: I applied to join GotQuestions.Org after using the site to search for answers myself. I was saved in a Brethren church and had a good foundation with the odd church ministry here and there. But when I started to move to other churches due to work I discovered that a good foundation wasn’t good enough. Problems arose when I started to question why some churches do this or that, thing that we take for granted like holy communion and roles of women in churches. That’s when I realized I had to start reading theology seriously and accept my calling into teaching – that was something I was reluctant to embrace for a long time (long story!).

Interestingly the test question given to me was about eternal security which was something that I was struggling with at that time! Well, Shea accepted my answer and there was no looking back.

Joining GotQuestions.Org was to challenge myself to grow into the teaching ministry and learn to answers questions that we would face in our daily lives. I praise God that I have matured leaps and bounds spiritually since I joined. My thoughts on eternal security today are very different now and I can comfortably preach a sermon on this, bringing in Bible quotes and explaining the difference between spiritual birth vs adoption, babies vs children.

The joy I find in answering a question is to point the questioners to the Bible and challenge them to read it themselves and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

I praise God for this ministry and may it continue to impact lives with answers from God’s word.

Also celebrating:
Vic Borden
Greg Spencer
Bill Brenner
Jerry Adams
Margaret Newton

Thank you all! And congratulations on 10 years!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement