Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from May 2020

June 2nd, 2020
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. It walks through the verses step-by-step, helping the questioner comprehend the words in the verses, interpret them, and then apply them. It also points the questioner to a related, helpful verse. The response is easy to understand and genuinely friendly in tone. ** Question: What does Psalm 131:1-2 mean? Profile: Male, North America, New Christian, 26—35 Answered by: Doug Andre, who has been a volunteer with us since May, 2007. Answer: Psalm 131 is written by David and . . .

Testimonials from May 2020

June 2nd, 2020
From a site user: No question, I just really love this app. I have told people about it whom seem to like it also. Very informative. Thanks From a questioner: Thank you so much for these clear answers.  From a questioner:I just want to say I am very pleased with the answers even I'll read through the Bible couple of times sometimes it's challenging for me the answer questions accurately when my children asked me I really appreciate feedback God bless you From a questioner:  Hello friend, What must have been 5 years ago now, . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for June 2020

June 2nd, 2020
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. As always, praise God for the team of volunteers, contract workers, donors, prayer warriors, and staff. Please be praying for God's work in the lives of each individual on the team. Circumstances vary broadly, but things like comfort in grief, physical health, relational health, wisdom, provision, peace, and joy are always relevant requests. 2. Praise God for His continued provision for in every way. Please pray that we will be wise . . .

Scripture for June 2020

June 2nd, 2020
"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows     is God in his holy habitation" (Psalm 68:5, ESV). "So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! . . .

Monthly Stats – April 2020

May 4th, 2020
STATISTICAL REPORT for APRIL 2020: 6,370,611 users 9,239,304 sessions 13,470,398 pageviews 3,550 questions submitted to 292,656 views of Gospel presentation pages 10,508 professions of new faith in Jesus Christ Praise God!! To download the full report, go to: . . .

New Site –

May 4th, 2020
We're launching a new site –! This site is a parody of intended to provide some comic relief. More than just a laugh, we're praying the site will bring users to who might not have come otherwise. And, of course, from there, we're hoping they'll hear and respond to God's truth. The idea is based on the humorous nature of autocorrect. Jeff and Beth have given tongue-in-cheek "serious" responses to some of the mis-typed and/or autocorrected questions we receive. For example, when a questioner . . .

Site Changes

May 4th, 2020
CONTENT INDEX: In our efforts to improve search engine results as well as to encourage users to stick around and find helpful articles, we implemented a new site organization strategy. Beth organized the various articles into sections. You'll notice "breadcrumb" links on the top of each article where you can trace your way back to related resources. Or you can look up content by thematic topic here: We trust this will be a useful tool for all of us! INTERNATIONAL LINKS: As you . . .

Sample Q&A from April 2020

May 4th, 2020
** This response is biblically sound, thorough, and personable. It has good logical flow and explains concepts clearly. It answers the question asked while also demonstrating to the questioner some tools to use to answer such questions. Too, it explains related issues. A summarizing statement helps the questioner walk away with a direct answer to the question that is bolstered by the previous explanations. The response is genuinely friendly in tone, inviting the questioner in and demonstrating a desire to help her understand God's Word. ** Question: . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement