Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

New Site –

May 4th, 2020

We’re launching a new site –! This site is a parody of intended to provide some comic relief. More than just a laugh, we’re praying the site will bring users to who might not have come otherwise. And, of course, from there, we’re hoping they’ll hear and respond to God’s truth.

The idea is based on the humorous nature of autocorrect. Jeff and Beth have given tongue-in-cheek “serious” responses to some of the mis-typed and/or autocorrected questions we receive. For example, when a questioner asks, “How should Christians respond to the panda denim?“, the answer is based on panda bears and denim clothes. But it does also point people to our regular articles on pandemics.

This will be the first site not based on search engine optimization (SEO), so we’re in new territory and relying largely on social media shares. Check it out and hopefully laugh a time or two! And, of course, feel free to share with others.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement