Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Snippets of some writers’ responses to October’s newsletter

November 1st, 2013
I write a short prayer (above the question) thanking God for another opportunity to serve someone who is fully known and dearly loved by Him, and acknowledging my total inadequacy for the task.   I then seek someone to serve as my prayer-helper.  In my first couple of years with GQ an elderly and saintly sister (both in the flesh and in the Lord) in Minnesota prayed with me whenever I received a new question -- and shared any insights she thought might be helpful.  After her Home-going a dear brother in the Lord, who lived in Wisconsin, took . . .

Answering Tips from the Team

November 1st, 2013
Pray. Employ prayer partners. Use concordances. Look up the meaning of words in the original language. The Bible is its best interpreter. Sometimes commentaries are helpful, but sometimes they are wrong or overly theologically heavy. Remember to keep things in context. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide then research in the Bible and online. A few of the sites we recommend:;;; and When you're using information from other sites, . . .

Beth’s Insight on the Church in Africa

November 1st, 2013
The Church in Africa We get a lot of questions from people in Africa, and it didn't take long in this job before I realized there was a cultural difference that kept me from understanding exactly how to answer. Recently I became aware of a documentary on churches in Ghana and Zimbabwe called African Christianity Rising. Several churches, from Roman Catholic to independent Zion, are profiled, and the leadership interviewed. The video is quite limited, though. For instance, we don't find out what the churches preach about salvation or tithing. . . .

Beth’s Perspective on Christian Questioners with OCD

November 1st, 2013
My husband, when he's stressed, exhibits minor signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). He asks me the same questions over and over, he rechecks door locks, and he questions his salvation. If you've been a GotQuestions writer for longer than a week, you've most likely received a question from someone with OCD. We don't usually get calls for help about hand-washing or door lock-checking. We mostly get intrusive thoughts and chronic doubts about salvation. How do we respond to someone who has written in for the 12th time because they're convinced . . .

Thank you from our donors

November 1st, 2013
I have been blessed by your site. I pray God will continue to use you to bless many souls. - NE THANK YOU, FOR YOUR MINISTRY - FL Thanks for all you do to spread the gospel to this lost and dying world!!!!! - KS You guys are doing a great job. Thank you! - FL The window of heaven is open and he is looking at his beloved. Soon we shall see our king, amen. May he bless and protect you as you minister to his little ones. - TX Thank you so much.  Praise God for your hard work! - NC Thank you for your ministry.  May God continue to . . .

Prayer requests: November 2013

November 1st, 2013

We would so appreciate your prayers for us. This month please specifically pray for:

1. The ministry to finish 2013 strong financially so we can go into 2014 full
speed ahead with the vision we believe God has given us.

2. Us to have wisdom and discernment regarding God’s priorities for the

3. For God’s protection over the ministry, its employees, its volunteers, and
their families.

Thank you so much for your prayers! Please let us know if there are specific ways we can be praying for you.

Employee of the Month: SHEA HOUDMANN

October 10th, 2013
As founder, President, and CEO of Got Questions Ministries, we figured he should go first... Born in Corpus Christi, Texas and spending some growing up years in Grand Junction, Colorado, Shea received his bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and his master's degree in Christian Theology from Calvary Bible College and Calvary Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. He also met his wife—MeLissa—there. God gave Shea and MeLissa the dream for Got Questions Ministries in December 2001. It was a ministry that would match Shea's love for technology, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement