Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on who is really the “prodigal” in Luke 15

September 21st, 2015
Jason Finch September 18 at 4:12pm So a friend told me that a local pastor wrote this on his Facebook page. I would like to know your thoughts regarding his statement. I completely disagree with this interpretation but what do you think? He said, “Who is the real prodigal in Luke 15? The younger son or the Father? Definition of prodigal - recklessly extravagant, one who spends or gives lavishly and profusely... You have a Father in heaven whose love is extravagant and unconditional, who longs . . .

Keep Praying and Remember Your Work Matters

September 21st, 2015
Jeff Laird September 16 at 9:45pm Cool aspect of an expanded role in our question-answering process: I find myself praying for others more often. Not-so-cool aspect of an expanded role in answering questions: I feel burdened to pray *hard*, for *a lot* of strangers, *all the time*. Don't forget to pray for the people seeking answers from us, and for each other as you provide Godly responses. There are some seriously broken, hurting souls out there. What you're doing matters. . . .

Got Questions and Google Search Engine Optimization

September 16th, 2015
RECENT ACTIVITY Kristi-Joy Matovich September 16, 2015 You may or may not know that Got Questions spends a lot of time tailoring our content to be easily found by search engines, and to match what people are searching for. Some of our articles may seem odd or irrelevant, but they're actually aimed at a topic that is commonly searched. That lets us reach demographics that would otherwise never see our site! This article from Relevant Magazine displays the sort of theological questions Google is helping answer . . .

Question on the Reformed Church and the Heidelburg Catechism

September 16th, 2015
Julie Kimani September 15 at 6:14pm · Goodyear, AZ What do you all know about Christian Reformed Church and the Heidelburg Catechism? Like   Comment Seen by 56 Ed Romero likes this. Comments Byron Earnheart While I don't know much about them, from what little research I could do while cooking dinner, I found this. seem to be an offshoot of some of the schisms that happened during the Reformation. . . .

Question on Eve’s response to the serpent in Genesis 3

September 14th, 2015
Gwen Sellers September 9 at 1:37pm Would anyone care to help me with a question? In Genesis 3:3, Eve seems to add to God's original command regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I'm wondering how this affects the couple's innocence prior to their eating of the fruit. Why would either Adam or Eve feel the need to add extra restrictions to God's commands if sin was not yet an issue? Or am I missing something obvious here? Thank you! Like   Comment Seen by 56 Ed Chait and Marilyn . . .

Question on Romans 11:25 and the “fullness of the Gentiles”

September 14th, 2015
Ed Chait September 12 at 5:20pm · Edited What do you guys think about this as regards Romans 11:25, particularly the meaning of "fullness"? Like   Comment Seen by 31 Robert Lowry I generally concur, except I think that "the fulness of the Gentiles" means that God has an exact number of Gentiles that He will bring to salvation, since the word translated fulness means a "full number" or a "complete number". At the . . .

Thank yous from August 2015 donors

September 8th, 2015
Thank you for your ministry! Great Resource to make Christ known!!   I am now teaching an adult ladies Sunday School with YOUR help to clearify many questions that come up! The different 'sub-questions and thoughts are answered before i can finish the article! And EVER Bible scripture follows up Your conclusion! Your verse is a verse i use for reasons to tithe and give more! I only give to those that help others AND Add the Gospel to their agenda! I figure why help people(with sickness and physical needs-lungs-ALS,etc,)if you . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement