Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

New blog from Shea on Euthanasia

October 16th, 2014
Shea Houdmann October 14 at 7:41pm Some personal, and hopefully biblical, thoughts on the death with dignity / euthanasia debate: How should a Christian view the concept of death with dignity, i.e., euthanasia? Is it wrong for a person to seek escape from a slow and painful death through euthanasia? Is it wrong to... BLOGOS.ORG UnlikeUnlike · · Share Seen by 27 You, Ed Chait, . . .

Shea’s New Blog – The Poverty Gospel (a Satire)

September 25th, 2014
Shea Houdmann September 25, 2014 A blog post on how easy it is to promote false doctrine simply by taking Scripture out of context: - what do you all think? What is the poverty gospel? What is the poverty gospel? Is the poverty gospel biblical? How does the poverty gospel compare with the prosperity gospel? BLOGOS.ORG UnlikeUnlike · · Share Seen by 35 You, Ed Chait and Gina . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement