Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises and Prayer Requests – May 2015

May 4th, 2015
We value your prayers for us. Thank you for them! This month please especially pray: 1. That our questioners would ask with tender hearts and be led into truth and freedom. We are thrilled at changes we've seen in some of our frequent questioners and pray that God would continue to work in their hearts and lives. What a privilege to take part in His work. 2. That our writers would know God's presence in their lives and would sense His equipping for responding to questions. We praise God for the things He is doing in your lives and the way . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – April 2015

April 1st, 2015
Thank you for praying for us. This month please specifically pray for: 1. Site users. Our traffic continues to increase, and Easter is an especially busy time. Please pray that the site would work well, that users would find what they are looking for and more importantly what they need to see. Pray that God will use the site for His glory. 2. Fellow writers. Please continue to pray for the team, both in regards to their service with Got Questions Ministries and in their personal lives. 3. Good use of resources. We are grateful for all the . . .

GQ and Compassion in Brazil

March 11th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich shared Got Questions Ministries's photo. March 9 at 2:19pm Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that some of our team is in Brazil and would appreciate your prayers! See the text below this pic for information about the ‪#‎GQMinBrazil‬ day today. During this time, we will be pushing Compassion International as much as possible and would appreciate any social media likes / shares / retweets you could provide! Just FYI, please be sensitive about contacting any of us publicly about this . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – February 2015

February 2nd, 2015
Praises and Prayer Requests: Thank you for praying for us. This month please specifically pray for: 1. Our questioners. Many of you mentioned prayer requests for questioners on the Facebook page or in the Note to Editor field. As you are aware, we receive many questions about life's hardships, struggles in relationships, struggles in church, and the like. There are also a lot of people out there confused about the truth of the Gospel and who God really is. Praise God they are seeking truth. And please keep questioners in your prayers. 2. . . .

Update on prayer request from a writer

February 2nd, 2015
Hi everyone - Here's an update on Larry. We're praising God and continuing to keep Maile in our prayers ... I want to thank you and everyone for their prayers, Maile has woke up, about three days ago, at first she was very confused, this comes with the state she was in, as of today she is back to normal, she has so many doctors working with her, I call them team Greco, they are all doing the best they can for her, she should be coming home next week, and then the very long haul starts, it takes a year minimum to get on the list for a new liver transplant . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – January 2015

January 2nd, 2015
Thank you for praying for us. As we enter into the New Year, please specifically pray for: 1. There is a lot we could be doing in 2015. We truly need wisdom and discernment to know the Lord's priorities. 2. We receive a lot of email from people who disagree with us on one issue or another. We need to do a better job of recognizing when a response is warranted vs. when a response would be "casting pearls before swine." 3. 2014 was a very good year financially. We want to be excellent stewards of what the Lord has provided. As always, . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – December 2014

December 1st, 2014
Praises and Prayer Requests: As always, thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry. This month please specifically pray for: 1. Abundant financial provision. December is a very important month financially for most ministries. While we do not rely on an abundant December as much as some ministries do, it is still great to finish a year strong and enter a new year with a solid financial foundation. 2. Wisdom and discernment. There is so much we could be doing, but we want to be in tune with the Lord's priorities. Pray that we would . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – November 2014

November 3rd, 2014
Praises and Prayer Requests: Thank you for praying for us. This month please specifically pray for: 1. We praise God for an excellent month, both statistically and financially in October. Please pray that the same would be true in November. 2. We are starting to set priorities and make concrete plans for 2015. Please pray that we would have very clear direction from the Lord. 3. Please pray for provision and protection for the ministry, us, and our families. Please let us know if we can be praying for you in a specific way. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement