Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

New Christian ‘starter pack’?

January 19th, 2015
Christopher Dupre January 18, 2015 Do we have a 'starter pack' of resources for new Christians? I guess we all should have one in our hip pocket to give, but I don't. Like · Seen by 30 Ed Chait, Lincoln Bostick and 2 others like this. Tim White Ditto. I am still looking for that right one. I usually tell new converts to go through the Book of John with a journal asking one question: Who is Jesus Christ? Then go through the book of Ephesians and ask one question: . . .

Nace Howell on the Erastus Inscription

January 12th, 2015
Nace Howell January 12, 2015 Here is an article I recently wrote about the Erastus Inscription.…/the-erastus-ins… Apologetical and Theological Commentary: The Erastus Inscription... What does it mean? THEOLOGICALCOMMENTARY.BLOGSPOT.COM|BY COOLBIBLEKID Unlike · · Share . . .

Bibles with no Headings / Chapter/Verse Numbers

December 18th, 2014
Ed Chait December 14 at 12:03pm I'm curious about Bibles without the chapter headings and without chapter and verse numbers. They are available in translations that I read, but I was wondering if anyone has one, what their experience has been with it? Like · Seen by 46 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. Wendyl Leslie The New Inductive Study Bible -NASB, doesn't have chapter headings. The idea being that you read the chapter for . . .

Writing Tips Article

December 3rd, 2014
Gwen Sellers December 2, 2014 I found this interesting and thought you all might enjoy it as well ... How to Be a Better Writer: 6 Tips From Harvard’s Steven Pinker U want 2B a better writer? Good writing is often looked at as an art and, frankly, that can be intimidating. No need to worry.… TIME.COM Like · · Share Seen by 27 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil, Ed Chait and 2 others like this. Ed Chait Excellent! . . .

5 Love Languages as a resource

November 24th, 2014
Sarah Van Baale November 22 at 9:45pm Is there anyone on who can tell me if we're allowed to refer people to Gary Chapman's Love Language Test as a helpful resource? I know, I'm waiting until the last minute. The question is due in about 20 minutes. I'm putting the reference in, but feel free to take it out if you need to. I couldn't find any information on the website regarding the ministry's stance on this particular author/speaker/counselor and the love languages books. Home . . .

Suggestions for gospel commentaries

November 18th, 2014
Gwen Sellers 19 hrs Hey all - A question for a friend: What are the best commentaries on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (1 commentary for each)? Thanks for sharing your thoughts! LikeLike · Seen by 27 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. Nace Howell It absolutely depends on what the intention is. If you're looking for depth, maybe the NAC, if you're looking for application, BEC. If you're looking for simple info, BKC. Basically, there are three levels, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement