Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Social Media Update – GQ account

May 31st, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich‎Got Questions Writers May 31, 2015 Quick social media update: We've started a account, which is basically a platform that lets us pull targeted articles and information from all over twitter and elsewhere and put it into a daily "newspaper" format. Two things: if you want to look at it / follow it, check it out at the link below; and if you have any twitter accounts or ministries who post great content that you think would work well with what we already have, leave it in the comments and . . .

News – Got Questions on LinkedIn

May 4th, 2015

Got Questions now has a “company” page on LinkedIn (thank you, Kristi-Joy!). We’d love for you to connect with us there. And if you want to list us as a place you volunteer, you can now do that and it will link directly to our page. Just start typing our name and we should show up in the drop-down list. Also be sure to follow us!

Site news – Updated look

April 1st, 2015

You may have noticed that and have new designs ( will soon). In order to be “mobile-friendly” so that our articles will appear in searches performed on mobile devices, we needed to make a few shifts. We also hope the changes give the sites a fresh, clean look. As always, please let us know if you run across any problems or glitches on any of the sites.

Update on Trip to Brazil with Compassion

April 1st, 2015
STAFF NEWS Several of our staff members traveled to Fortaleza, Brazil with Compassion International in March to see the work being done there. They were encouraged to see the ways God is using Compassion to speak into the lives of many Brazilian children. You can read more about the trip in MeLissa's and Shea's blogs on They also got to meet many of our Got Questions Portuguese translators. Portuguese is our second biggest language, and the team is doing a great job. You can see pictures of the gathering here. It was a great trip! If . . .

Rose Publishing Recommends Got Questions

March 5th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 5, 2015 Love it when blogs and other ministries support us! Here's one that really likes us, apparently smile emoticon. Top 5 websites that will help you study the Bible One of the reasons why people stop reading the Bible is because they find it difficult to understand. So, we asked our Rose Staff (most of us are active church leaders, pastors, and teachers) to sh... BLOG.ROSE-PUBLISHING.COM Unlike · · Share . . .

Shea and MeLissa are going to Kansas City …

February 20th, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann February 19, 2015 Kansas City area volunteers, Shea will be presenting GotQuestions at Red Bridge Baptist Church (Grandview area) on February 25 at 6:30 p.m. We will be at the conference Sunday-Wednesday. We would love to see you. Please stop by our booth and introduce yourself. Missions Conference Schedule - Red Bridge Baptist Church – Kansas City, MO Dr. John Mark Yeats – Dean of Midwestern College;Allen & Hagit Lord – International Board of Jewish . . .

Christmas Promo: GQ T-Shirts!! (click to see pictures)

December 2nd, 2014
Want a Got Questions T-shirt? We would love to send you one. Just make a $5 donation to the ministry to cover the cost of shipping, let us know your size, and a shirt will be on its way. We have the gray shirts below in sizes S to 2XL   We have a limited amount of the colored shirts below (In medium we have 4 brown, 3 navy blue, and 1 light blue. In large we have 6 purple and 4 light blue. In XL we have 1 purple and 3 light blue. It will be first come, first served for colored shirts)     . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement