Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Evan Plante: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
My name is Evan Plante. I’m from Worcester, Massachusetts — and Worcester is not in the Bible Belt. Instead, it’s in the Catholic Belt. This means that I — along with a majority of the children who lived here back in the fifties — was raised Roman Catholic. But when I came of age, I threw the baby out with the holy-water and started looking for that existential freedom that was just beyond my grasp… and I was surprised to find it in the Gospel. I first heard the Gospel when I was 19 — and it rang so true that I swear that I had . . .

Christopher Plumberg: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
I first became involved with GotQuestions in 2009 when an old friend - a pastor at a church I had attended as a child - connected with me and talked with me about the possibility of writing for them.  At the time, I had just finished college and started graduate school in physics, I was living on my own in a new state for the first time, and I felt like I was starting my life after college with a clean slate.  One of the things that was important to me was being involved in ministry of some kind, and GotQuestions seemed like the perfect . . .

Glenn Pierce: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Hello my name is Glenn Pierce, I was blessed as a child to be exposed to the word of God in Sunday school.  I realize now I was given a gift in those church classes to be included in a circle of prayer with other students and adults. I knew God cared and I knew he would be listening to our prayers and even work in some way to help me. At an early age I saw a difference between those who had the compassionate hand of God upon their hearts and knew He loved them and those who didn’t. Later I realized this seemed to be determined by whether . . .

Don Strand: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Although I was raised in a Christian home, God did not save me until his particular “fullness of time” for me, which came when I was 46 years old. I had been trained as an engineer and worked in the computer industry with a measure of success that allowed me to ‘retire’ in 2001. With a new focus on making the most of my time, now committed to spreading the gospel, I returned to school and completed a degree in biblical counseling and another degree in theology. In 2009 I was three years into my first senior pastor (aka “only pastor”) . . .

Scott Larrison: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019

I honestly can’t remember how I first got started in the ministry, but credit the Lord for bringing me to the website and signing up as a volunteer.  The Lord has really helped develop in me a love for writing and especially about writing about the word of God.  I love researching answers to questions and learning new things myself.  I love this ministry and feel it is a big part of my service to the Lord.

Andy Ferrier: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Hard to believe it has been 10 years, time flies when you enjoy what you are doing. I can't remember exactly how I came across the got questions web site, as best I remember, I think I did a google search and gotquestions came up.  When I saw you needed writers I applied, and the rest is history as they say. There is not really one question that stands out to me over the past 10 years, but having answered many questions related to Jewish culture and evangelism, those have been the most enjoyable for me to write about. A close second are questions . . .

Tim Munger: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
I met Shea and Melissa at breakfast during the Independent Fundamental Churches of America convention in 2009. I was intrigued by their work and enjoyed our brief encounter. Later, I heard a conversation about a breakout session they held that they needed writers, so I went to their booth and expressed an interest in volunteering with GQ. I received the application shortly after, they accepted me, and I began my time. I do have a favorite question. A man from Australia wrote with a concern about the unpardonable sin. It led to a dialogue . . .

Steve Webb: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Ten years with GotQuestions! Wow! Only a few months away from age 70, I can look back and say it has been a wonderful ride with this ministry. Currently living in Wisconsin, raised in Illinois, university schooling in Nebraska, Virginia and Texas, and having lived in six towns in Texas (Midland, Houston, Corpus Christi, Lubbock, Dallas and Del Rio) along with short stints in Denver and Alabama, both before and interspersed with my geology career overseas, which took me and my family to Indonesia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Argentina, Russia  and . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement