I first became involved with GotQuestions in 2009 when an old friend – a pastor at a church I had attended as a child – connected with me and talked with me about the possibility of writing for them. At the time, I had just finished college and started graduate school in physics, I was living on my own in a new state for the first time, and I felt like I was starting my life after college with a clean slate. One of the things that was important to me was being involved in ministry of some kind, and GotQuestions seemed like the perfect opportunity to bless others with what the Lord had given me.
Although I attended a Christian college, my faith was not always strong during my college years. Most notably, I went through a season my freshman year when I embraced a very low view of Scripture and inerrancy. I sincerely believed what my professors were telling me: that the Bible was full of mistakes because it was, after all, a human book. There were multiple factors that influenced my struggles with my faith, but one of the biggest ones was that I simply didn’t realize that the Scriptural “mistakes” I was routinely presented with in my Bible classes actually had good, compelling resolutions. By God’s grace, thanks to my parents’ encouragement and the influence of my high school youth pastor, the Lord began to teach me that the problems I was faced with had plausible and reasonable solutions. The questions I was asking really did have answers.
Although I regret some aspects of my struggles in college, I am deeply grateful for how the Lord has used that experience since then. He has used that season of my walk with Christ to fill me with a passion for helping others to realize what I wish I had realized much sooner: that God’s word can be trusted, that objections can be countered, and that questions have answers. And that’s why I’m so thankful for the opportunity to serve with GotQuestions. It gives me an opportunity to share with others the confidence that the Lord has given me.
One of the subjects I am most passionate about is science: do science and the Bible really conflict? How does science point to God’s existence and the truth of Scripture? How should a Christian think about science? Science is often presented in the broader culture as a force which is intrinsically opposed to Biblical faith, and it’s not surprising that a lot of people have internalized this way of looking at things. My favorite questions are those in which a sincere believer has encountered some scientific idea or challenge to Christian faith that they want to understand better: does science really show that the Bible is false? Does quantum mechanics really mean that God isn’t sovereign? I even remember one question in which a woman was organizing some material for a Christian Facebook page which addressed the subject of quantum mechanics. By God’s grace, I was able to share with her some of what I believed as a Christian on the basis of Scripture, along with how it integrated with my ‘day job’ as a physicist, in a way that encouraged her faith and equipped her for the work that the Lord had called her to do.
None of those opportunities would have arisen without the interface provide by GotQuestions, and I’m so grateful for how the Lord has allowed me to participate and be blessed by what He is doing through His word in the world today. One of the things I love most about GotQuestions is its commitment to taking something which is all too often used for evil – namely, the Internet – and turning it into a powerful weapon for good in the kingdom of God. Of course, it’s really God’s word that is the weapon here, but modern technology affords us a historically unprecedented vantage point from which to proclaim it. I’m so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of that. I know I probably won’t get to meet many of my GotQuestions partners in ministry this side of heaven, but I look forward to celebrating the Lord’s work together on the other side.
Until then, you are loved! Sincerely, Christopher
“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” – Galatians 6:9-10 (NASB)