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Question on salvation of Pharaoh under whom Joseph served

January 21st, 2015

January 20, 2015 Grand Rapids, MI

Is there any reason to believe that the Pharaoh during the time of Joseph is saved/a believer/went to Heaven, etc?

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  • Seen by 29
  • William Brenner No biblical evidence.
  • Fred Apelquist Hello, all —

    I guess there is a “possible” reason considering God “hardened” his heart to ignore & persist despite 10 plagues. Who knows? Maybe after 10, God ultimately “softened” his heart and Pharaoh became a believer. The Bible clearly is silent on the matter but it is an interesting question to ponder.


    Fred W. Apelquist, III
    (703) 459-6622
  • Joe Maxey Pure conjecture that he could have been…
  • Joseph Ford No reason at all. Pharaoh chased down Israel to return them to their slavery. God drowned him and his army in the sea to show His strength and glory. Pharaoh was nowhere near being saved.
  • James Toland To clarify I am referring to the pharaoh during Joseph’s time not the Pharaoh during the time of Moses. It seems that the Pharaoh Joseph served under had a special place in his heart for him and allowed him power, prestige and honor so I also wondered if Joseph’s trust in God influenced pharaoh or not.
  • Fred Apelquist Again, I’d say it was possible. The Old Testament is replete with verses about how much other nations knew of the “God of Israel” and His power and greatness. Without going back into the text and just going on memory, I believe there are several biblical verses that would support this ‘possibility argument’. After all, any ruler is always aware, concerned/worried, or in awe (pick the word of your choice) with another completing power. And God was certainly an awesome power with whom many folks were aware and impressed.

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