Team GotQuestions Blog

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Question on Zacchaeus and Jesus – Did Jesus know his name through His divinity or His humanity?

December 5th, 2014

So in the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus from Luke 19, do you think it was Jesus’ divinity (knows all of us by name) or humanity (had heard of Zacchaeus previously through rumor or what not) that allowed Him to call on Zacchaeus when He saw him in the tree?

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  • David Gump i always thought that God is telling us that everyone who makes an effort to see God will be called by name
  • David Gump but definitely the divinity called zacchaeus
  • Jed Kramer I’m not sure that there is value in separating the two. It seems the pattern is that the spiritual initiates the physical, and the two then go hand in hand. God created the physical universe from the spiritual. From that moment, they were both intertwined in God’s salvation plan. God seeks us spiritually, sometimes using physical impetus, and we respond in both spirit and body. Our physical body is made well as we seek God for healing. The Father no doubt prepared Jesus for his encounter with Zacchaeus. Jesus may have acquired prior information about Zacchaeus intentionally or unintentionally, but it was the Spirit who led Jesus to call on Zacchaeus.
  • Tim White Good question… We have to remember that Jesus lived in a small community (as compared to us), but did not have the new channels (as compared to us). He also gave up the benefits of His divinity to live in complete dependence upon God in each moment (Philippians 2:5-11). So, it could be He heard about this one (perhaps from Mathew/Levi), or He may have heard it from the voice of God in HIs heart.
  • Timothy Craig Munger It was a divine appointment, much like John 4.
  • Patrick Thompson Aloha James,
    I think what is most important with this account of Jesus and Zaccheus is that Jesus was seeking him. By nature, the lost sinner does not seek the Saviour (Rom. 3:11). We also don’t know how God had worked in the heart of Zaccheus to pr
    epare him for this meeting with Jesus. Maybe Levi, the former publican was one of his friends and had told Zaccheus about Jesus. We cannot answer these questions other then speculation, but we can rejoice that a seeking Saviour will always find a sinner who is looking for a new beginning.

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