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Q&A Help – Legal Marriage Issue

November 1st, 2014

I dont really ever ask but I am stuck with a recent enquiry. I am looking for some guidance how to best deal with a young christian who appears to have ‘secretly’ married his childhood sweetheart because the state law says that marriage is only considered legal from 18 onwards. He states that he and his girl looked long and hard into the bible seeking whether they should do this or not but felt that the law was unjust and so decided to go ahead and marry, despite what the law says.Now, I could be totally blunt and uncharitable and rebuke him and that he needs to read Romans 13 but have already asked him why he got married, despite what the laws of the state say. I feel I have lots of things to point out to show his error but dont want to seem to be over critical or harsh. I feel for him because I fell into similar mischief – its a well know case of ‘heart ruling the head’ here – I cant really point the finger but it would also be wrong to say nothing. Wisdom is what I need ! Thanks.

  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Lea Ann Davis McCombs Most states allow legal marriage with parental approval unless they are really young like 12. Telling parents is where I would start.
  • Dean Revell thanks Lea – I hadnt thought of this. I can see how they have been dishonoured.
  • Jeff Laird The spiritual side, regarding parents and each other, is a separate issue from the legal. If they’re not claiming tax or other benefits, then they aren’t breaking the law, since they aren’t “legally” married. For better or worse, human laws have nothing to do with vows people take before God. We have to allow for the possibility that their motivations and relationship are legitimate, and remember that we don’t ask for the government’s permission to marry, we apply for certain benefits which the government extends to married people. If it’s a “secret” from too many people, though, one has to ask why? If parents and friends aren’t on board, what’s the problem?
  • Jeff Laird (in other words, if the relationship is actually legitimate, why the secrecy?)
  • Dale Agner I would find out if they really have a marriage license.
  • Vera Rudolph Sounds like a question I answered several years ago – now they want out of that secret marriage because it is not working so well and wondered if they were now subject to the divorce regulations in scripture.

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