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On using end times prophecy as a witnessing tool

October 22nd, 2014

As a witnessing strategy, do you guys think it would be effective to tell nonbelievers who resist the gospel something that we generally agree is going to happen in the end-times that hasn’t happened yet?

For instance, what if we told them that Israel was going to agree to a 7-year pact of peace with the antichrist, and that he will betray them halfway through? I know they have hardened their hearts against God and that God will harden their hearts even further during the Tribulation, but I think that if I was a nonbeliever, it might make me think twice if someone told me something and it went down exactly that way. I dunno.

  • Robert Pristoop I would explain that with the resurrection of Israel it shows that God is moving toward his end time plans. Israel had to be resurrected (important concept of Israel being resurrected) to be able to sign a peace treaty with the Anti-Christ. Shows that God IS working toward the tribulation and that he IS fulfilling his plans. Mostly throughout Israel’s history they committed sin, God sent a prophet to rebuke them, they killed the prophet, God exiled them from the Land, Israel repented and God regathered the remnant. When God allowed the exile of the Jewish people from their land in 135 CE, Ezekiel prophesied that they would be regathered but not in repentance. The repentance will come when Zechariah 12:10 comes to fruition. I will pour out on Jerusalem and Israel a Spirit of supplication and they will look at ME the one they have pierced and mourn for HIM. Notice the pronoun change. This explanation shows God told us what will happen-He is making it happen and people will see the Messiah as Savior. Don’t wait until the end-trust Jesus now!
  • Tim White For different people, different truth is effective. That is why the witnessing believer needs to witness through full dependence upon God in the moment. God knows, we don’t. I can see how that could be use to reach some, but most was find it a reason to not worry now.
  • Ed Chait Thank you, Robert. I completely agree. But what about all those who will wait until the end?
  • Joe Maxey They didn’t believe when He was teaching and performing miracles among them over 2000 years ago did they? What do you think will make them believe now, no matter what prophecy says and what the future holds. We need to pray that the Holy Spirit will still continue to convict and change their hearts.
  • Ed Chait I remember enough to know that I could have rationalized pretty much anything away in order to not believe.
  • Robert Pristoop If they wait too long their knees will bend and tongues will confess that Jesus is Lord-however they will miss the salvation part. But God is clear that 1 minute or 100 years of faith the reward it the same. I know many people who tell me that they will decide later. Well they had better pray that salvation comes before time runs out. I know people who say when Israel signs the peace treaty I will come to faith. I tell them that I hope they don’t die before that happens. But most will never come to faith and some are hostile. Let them know you are praying that God will call out to them and you are there if they have any questions. Pray like an Arminianist and live like a Calvinist.
  • Ed Chait This includes not just Jews, but also all the Gentile non-believers
  • Kathy Martel Yes, Ed, I have thought of that example from prophecy myself as a good example to share with non-believing family and friends. God gave prophecy for a reason: as a witness to what He is going to do. It could very well convict some loved ones and anyone who hears it if they are alive when there is a 7 year peace treaty with Israel that gets broken after 3.5 years of peace. I also love the prophecy of the two witnesses proclaiming the gospel for those first 3.5 years, and they can’t be killed during that time. Now that is going to be something, and I’d like to hear them explain that away in human, not supernatural, terms!
  • Carol Coleman We are currently studing Ephesians for effective discipleship. We are calling it Alive in Christ – A Discovery Bible Study. Great Stuff.
  • Marc Weiss Without getting myself in trouble – God taught me something this week, and I have learned that I won’t comment on the timing of rapture because it causes a division amongst TRUE believers. While I am glad to offer what I believe, I will only do it when it is relevant. Ed – for this question, I think it is VERY appropriate to mention end times, but you have to keep it simple. Really simple. Remember, the enemy has blinded non-believers, and the end times is a GREAT conversation starter, but make sure the message you want to convey is to “BE READY”. Hence, share the judgement of God, but share His grace as well. We should be teaching all sides of God and end times is good, so long as it is followed up by His grace NOW. Once they understand His Grace and Love, they will understand the reason for His Wrath too.

    Once one is saved, they need to know about end times though, so they know the signs. We do NOT want to miss the signs like the Pharisees missed who Jesus was/is/will be.
  • Ed Chait Thank you all for your feedback. It’s just incredible (and at the same time credible) how nonbelievers could see world events happening right in front of their eyes according to Bible prophecy and not believe.

    I was witnessing to someone and wasn’t making much headway, so I told them what I said above. They responded with, “well, I can’t believe how you can believe what you believe.” So that’s when I felt led to tell her about Israel, the peace pact, and their betrayal by the Antichrist after 3.5 years.

    I know today is the day of salvation, and the last thing I want to do is encourage someone to wait to make a decision for Christ, but at the time, it seemed like the right thing to share with her.
  • William Brenner I am never reluctant to share from scripture and piqué their curiosity with a leading question. If there are hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in the bible and they still don’t believe, then a few more from Revelation may or may not make a difference. It’s worth a try, it is the Holy.Spirit who opens hearts to the truth not our best logic. But I am here to be His instrument to share the gospel regardless. I prefer to talk about Jesus first and how He has fulfilled so many prophesies that are so remarkable. For some they remain blind. For others it cracks open a door. I was first drawn to Revelation out of curiosity and it grew from there. All because a friend asked me to consider that it might be true.
  • William Brenner The friend is now my wife.
  • Ed Chait William, what you shared reminded me that the person I was witnessing to asked, “is that what the Bible says?” when I told her about Israel and the end-times, so I appreciate what you’re saying.

    p.s. please give your wife a big hug for me
  • Marc Weiss William – I love Revelation. Probably my favorite topic in the Bible too. I just realized that even true Christians cannot talk about 2 things: 1) Once Saved Always Saved and 2) Rapture timing. We all get along GREAT until one of those two topics come up LOL. That is a cool story about your wife! We are studying Revelation in our Small Group this week. I am in Revelation 6 tonight.
  • Ed Chait if we can stay in the Spirit, we can talk about anything
  • Tim White It seems The Revelation is mystery for those who crave mystery and clarity for those who crave clarity. Our age should be the age of mystery revealed, but some still want mystery. I like simplicity, clarity and assurance. That is what I find in Revelation. Then again, is it ever about what we want? Maybe that’s the root of the problem with controversial topics.
  • Marc Weiss UPDATED: I forgot to tag Ed in that. My fault.

    Tim, Ed and William – I witnessed us (in the group) a while ago try and discuss the doctrine and it broke my heart to see how it ended up. I agree that we (all Christians) should all discuss things simply, openly, and mostly, in the Spirit. However, and unfortunately, there are some Christians (NOT here necessarily) that are so blinded by what they were taught by man, and not what the Bible says. I just am being cautious now to not ever be one of them, as I slipped into a certain pattern of thinking, and now I need to be more open to views.
    23 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Ed Chait well, even if we have a cordial discussion, discussing eschatology can soon become a waste of Christian energy. as Jeff said, the important thing is to be sure we’re in the lifeboat and we help in getting as many others in the lifeboat as we can.
    23 hrs · Like · 2
  • Timothy Craig Munger One of the purposes of Bible Prophecy is to motivate us to witness, and for the lost to come to Christ. In the past when evangelists came to a church or to a community they always had at least one prophetic message. So I believe that appealing to Bible Prophecy can, indeed, serve as an effective witnessing tool.
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • Marc Weiss Ed – I am in agreement with Jeff for sure.
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Marc Weiss That was my broader point on what the Lord has taught me. It is not always about “being right” it is using what the Lord has given us to help others come to Christ. The ‘things to come’ is the blessed hope. The Father knows the timetable, and we have to trust God, no matter what view we believe (as long as it is a Biblical view, that is).
    19 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ed Chait I don’t believe that Replacement Theology is Biblical, so Israel in the end times should be OK to discuss with nonbelievers.
    18 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Marc Weiss Ed – I am HUGE on Israel being in the end times too. God made some unfulfilled promises to Israel and I have issues with Replacement Theory on that alone. God fulfills all that He says and if there are promises unfulfilled, well, there has to be an Israel for Him to fulfill them to. That is why Satan is bent on destroying Israel. No Israel = No end times. BUT there is an Israel, and there will be end times.
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • William Brenner Replacement theology seems arrogant. Still listen to all points of view without getting uptight with those who disagree on end times. I love Israel.
    16 hrs · Like · 2

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