TEN YEAR BIOS: These volunteers have been serving with Got Questions Ministries for ten years! Below is a bit about their experiences during that time. Enjoy!
Esther Pearson (June, 2013): I got involved in “Got Questions” after submitting a question and receiving a great, very detailed answer in response to my question. I thought writing for “Got Questions” would be a great way to share my knowledge from seminary and to also be exposed to the type of questions people were asking. I wanted to see if there were patterns in the questions that were being asked. I also thought it was a great way to help build a database of answers to questions that are so important for edifying believers in Jesus and encouraging new believers. It is so satisfying to help others learn and grow in their faith walk and bring others into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Jacquie Chandronnet (September, 2013): I thank the Lord for the opportunity and privilege to serve Got Questions Ministries. It has been my pleasure to work with the team for ten years. Studying to answering questions is a highlight of my day. A chapter of my life was my childhood where I was saved at an early age, raised by Christian parents, and taught the fundamentals of the faith. Another chapter of my life was the Lord leading me to receive education where I would use it to teach at a Bible College. Another chapter of my life was when I met and married my late husband and how the Lord taught me much during those years of working alongside my husband in senior pastoral ministry. In the next chapter of my life I found myself a widow after our automobile accident which ended in taking my husband’s life. My circumstances changed all over the place, and the Lord taught me much. In my new location the Lord led me to a wonderful fellowship of loving, godly people. My continued love for the Lord and His Word led me to the Got Questions Ministries website where I saw the “Serve With Us.” I submitted the application and was accepted as a writer. I am willingly and joyfully committed to continuing to answer each question. I take no credit, of course, because it is the work of the Holy Spirit. He helps me strive to honor and glorify God. I now am remarried. My husband and I serve in a local fellowship and continue to serve spreading the gospel and encouraging believers. My very favorite questions are the ones where I share the fact of Christ’s resurrection. The best news I can ever share is the message of the cross of Jesus Christ [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, NASB]. Thank You, God, for this opportunity and thank you, Got Questions Ministries.
Joe Ford (February, 2013): Though I don’t remember the exact details, I believe I was referred to GotQuestions by someone I was talking to after providing a seminar on Cults at my church (Rocky Mountain Calvary). They mentioned GQ answered people’s questions about the Bible and that I should see about applying. I did and the rest is…still ongoing. I enjoy talking about God and the Bible and I have a strength in answering questions about them. My favorite types of questions revolve around cults and the End Times. I can’t say I have a favorite question and my memory gets fuzzier every day. Just know that I love being a writer for GQ and pray for many more years of service with this godly group of people!
Justin Tilghman (October, 2013): I got involved with GotQuestions because God used the ministry in a significant way during my own struggles with faith and my own “dark night of the soul.” When I had a question, there was a high probability I would find it on the website and the answer would be well researched, well thought out, and clearly communicated. When the time was right, I was excited to have the opportunity to give back to a ministry that had helped me so much and to be a help to others who were in a situation similar to mine. Over the years, I have really enjoyed getting to interact with those asking questions. I often see myself in their questions and am honored to have an opportunity to play a part in God’s work in their lives.
Wallace Revels (May, 2013): I got involved with Got Questions in order to help people understand the Bible’s lessons & applicational instructions to us. I continue to do it because it is probably more of an education for me than for any of the questioners. Plus, I hope I’m helping others by making it easier to understand what the Bible is teaching to us in today’s confusing world. My favorite type of question is pretty much any question that allows what the Bible is teaching to be explained. Thank you and God bless.
Also celebrating ten years:
Clive Roberts (February, 2013)
Dale Herr (January, 2013)
Eric Ellis (November, 2013)
Gary Meredith (July, 2013)
Ramil Corpuz (August, 2013)
Robert Sparrow (January, 2013)
We are so grateful for your partnership in ministry!