Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Notes of Appreciation from August 2022

September 1st, 2022

From a questioner: Wow, thanks so much for getting back to me, [Writer]! You provided such an extensive answer, overflowing with information. I’ll be sure to share all of this info with my family. This is incredibly helpful.

From a questioner: Thanks so much for this wonderful and sensible reply.  May God continue to bless you and enrich you with wisdom. Thanks again! 

From a questioner: Thank you so much for taking time to so thoughtfully answer my question. I will ponder this further, with the answer you provided.

From a questioner: Thank you [Writer].  This the answer I was seeking.  You did a great job. May the Lord bless you and keep you … and may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and all the staff at Got Questions. Praise and glory to our Lord Yehoshua HaMashiach Adonai Adonia.

From a questioner: Thank you very much for taking the time to share your knowledge on this topic. This certainly has given me a good perspective. 

From a questioner: Thank you [Writer], for your answer is very satisfactory May the Almighty God give you more wisdom and knowledge to help us Remain bless.

From a questioner: Yes blessings [Writer] a very helpful reply. got is an excellent resource and I recommend it to many Christians. Thanks again and bless you and yours in Christ Jesus

From a questioner: Thank you so much, [Writer]! I am pinning this response to the homepage of my phone. God bless you. Lets keep fighting the good fight!

From a questioner: Thank you and each of you who work to answer my questions—-you help me understand scripture and that strengthens my faith !!!   I am so fortunate to benefit from your efforts!!!   Thank you !!!  

From a questioner: Thank you so much. You people did a fabulous job of answering the multiple questions that arose last Tuesday night men’s Bible Study group. I have just presented these answers to our group facilitator. 

From a questioner: I very much appreciate your careful research and subsequent answer to my question. I had done some personal research earlier and cited all the “red flags” you have cited, and to a friend who has started to use this translation (hence my question to you). I think it will help her hear that others are seeing the same errors I have seen. Thank you for the great work your site does to the glory of God!

From a questioner: Amen am so grateful for the response. While reading, I almost burst in tears. Indeed Christ suffered what no man has ever suffered on earth. Even in the ages to come. Thank you for this brief but straight to the point answer. This will be the template for the rest of my studies. God’s infinite blessings on your team.

From a site user:  I’ve been a student pastor for 28 years and I’m grateful for the incredibly valuable resource that your ministry provides and the unique way your answers relate to those outside the church. Thank you, I almost always refer to you as a resource for preparing to teach.

From a YouTube user: Today, I’ve learned so much about the Bible and have accepted Christ as my holy savior and I will share this with my family to also consider him and accept him as our holy savior that will clear our sins.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement