Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:
1. Praise God for using Got Questions Ministries. Pray that He will continue to guide, protect, provide for, and use the ministry. Pray for His kingdom purposes to be accomplished for His glory. Pray for those who use the various sites, watch the videos, or listen to the podcasts to come to know and love God more. Pray for those involved in the work of ministry to come to know and love God more. Pray for God’s truth to be shared clearly and for hearts to respond rightly.
2. Praise God for His abundant provision of resources. So many people invest in the ministry through their time, their talents, and their finances. Pray for God to continue to provide for the ministry as well as to bless the people through whom He provides and give them joy in partnering with ministry work.
3. Praise God for His protection of the ministry. Pray that He will continue to give us favor with search engines as well as hardware and software that works. Pray for spiritual protection for the ministry and those involved in it.
4. Praise God for a dedicated team of ministry workers. Life circumstances vary broadly. Pray for God to be present in the lives of other ministry partners, to give comfort, to give wisdom, to give courage to obey, to give joy, to give peace. Pray for the families, churches, and communities of those affiliated with Got Questions. Pray for God to be glorified in all ways.
5. Praise God for the people who direct Got Questions Ministries. Pray for them to have wisdom, foresight, humility, and courage. Pray for them to hear God clearly and move in faith. Pray for us to spend time and effort where needed and for God to bring forth the fruit.
If there is a specific way in which we can be praying for you, please let us know.