Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:
1. Praise God for His faithfulness to Got Questions Ministries through the years. Please pray for His continued provision for the work of ministry in all ways. Pray that we will be wise stewards of the resources He gives, that we will diligently seek His wisdom in all things, and that we will have discerning ears and responsive hearts to His leadership.
2. Praise God for the ways He brings users to the various sites and apps. Pray that people will come with open hearts and that they will hear and respond to God’s truth. Pray that more people will come to faith in Jesus Christ and that those who already know Him will mature in Him and shine as lights in this dark world. Pray for staff, volunteers, and contractors to live out the life God has called us to and to be used by Him to bless others.
3. Praise God for such a dedicated team of people who contribute to the work of Got Questions Ministries with their time, through their prayers, and through their financial resources. Life circumstances vary broadly, yet we are all united by faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for fellow GQ team members, their families, their churches, and their communities. Pray for the GQ team to mature in Christ and to experience abiding joy and peace in Him. Pray for the work of GQ to be a blessing not only online and in the lives of site users, but also in the lives of those who are part of the GQ team.
4. Praise God for new opportunities and ways to broaden ministry. Praise Him for what He has in store for 2020. Please pray for discernment in the best use of time and resources. Pray for favor with search engines and other platforms. Mostly, pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to enable this work and to multiply it for the glory of God. “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1).
If we can be praying for you in a specific way, please let us know.