Wow 10 years already! GotQuestions has been a part of my life for far longer. I was saved in 2004 as a single mom of two little ones with no other Christian in my life at all, other than my newly saved aunt who was the one to actually witness to me. We spent many days soaking up Scripture and growing like crazy, but sometimes had a hard time piecing things together.. and there wasn’t anyone to ask. So that caused us to eventually find GotQuestions. It was an amazing tool in our growth. As we got attacked from many for our faith in Christ, for our conviction to leave the Catholic Church and refusal to live worldly, we would go to Scripture and GQ articles, even sending in questions, and always received clarification and encouragement to run harder.
Years later, I was sitting there thinking of how I could contribute more to the spreading of the Gospel. I thought, I love sharing the Word and helping people, I love to be home with my kids and doing daycare, I love to write… I love GotQuestions! So I looked into whether or not they had an option to serve with them and the rest is history.
I am so thankful for the opportunity! Being a volunteer writer has actually been something so good for my own walk. It’s the accountability to get into the Scriptures more, to study what I may not have studied on my own, to be more prayerful and mindful of others and their struggles, to be more alerted to the forms of ungodliness and evil out there… and the list goes on. It’s because of those things, because of the faithful and far reaching influence of this ministry and the fact that I want to share the Word as much as possible with the world-especially those with questions, that I’m still loving being a small part of the GQ ministry 10 years later.
I will wrap up by talking about a question I received years ago that moved my heart deeply and made me pause a great deal. I don’t remember the question word for word but basically a middle-eastern couple had just come to faith in Christ so knew they were in danger, with their own Muslim family. They were wanting to know if it was ok with God to hide from them or if they should go back to their family and possibly die for Christ in trying to be a witness to their family. I can’t remember what I wrote exactly but I remember feeling so unqualified to answer it. I just knew the Word of God and His Spirit had to be their comfort and guide, so I gave them what of that I could, His Word. And I prayed, a lot.
What a blessing this ministry is. We are able to give the Truth to those that may have no Bible, no trustworthy person or church to turn to. Thank You Lord and thank you GotQuestions!