Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Steven Herold: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019

I remember when I first searched the internet for an answer to a bible related question.  I ended up following a link to a GotQuestions answer.  I was impressed with the thoroughness of the answer and its strong support in scripture.  On the website I also noticed a link for people who might be interested in becoming a writer at GotQuestions.  Since I am a longtime bible study teacher at my church, I thought being a writer might be a good way to further serve the Lord and continue to sharpen my gift for explaining the Word of God to others.  Now 10 years and 500+ questions later, I am still enjoying the opportunity to help others learn about the bible and hopefully come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

My favorite question was one of those that contained not one, but many questions.  This one actually had ten questions.  The questions were arrayed, one right after another.  By the time I had completed my answer to the questions, I looked back and realized that the Lord had used me to create an overview of the process of salvation in Jesus Christ, from beginning (acceptance of Christ as Savior) to end (our eternal life in Heaven).  After reading over my answer, my spirit soared with excitement.  I was overcome with joy over what God can do through a person seeking and following God’s will for their life! 

I remember another question from a young man who was defending his homosexuality.  The question and answer between this young man and myself, turned into somewhat of a conversation as we went back and forth between his questions and my answers.  The questions finally stopped when I asked the young man: “Since you have stated that you love Jesus and He is your Lord and Savior; if Jesus were to ask you to give up your homosexual lifestyle, would you do it?”  It amazes me how God is always at work, lovingly and patiently wooing us out of the darkness and into the light and warmth of His presence.  This is why I keep writing for GotQuestions.  The fellowship I experience with the Lord while preparing the answer is as much of a blessing to me, as I hope it is a blessing to the one who receives the answer.   As always, to God be the glory, forever and ever, Amen!


Steven Herold

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement