** This response is concise yet thorough, age-appropriate, and kind in tone. It gives solid advice and biblically sound teaching in an easily-digestible way. **
Question: Is it possible for a Christian to be wrong about something? I’m often scared to question if the teachings and actions of certain Christians are right because they’re Christians, which brings me to my other question, which is: is it a sin to ever question the actions/teachings of historical/current Christians?
Profile: Female, North America, Christian, Under 18
Answered by: Katie Jones, who has been a volunteer with us since February, 2016.
Answer: Thanks for reaching out! It’s definitely a great question to ask!
The short answer is yes—a Christian can most definitely be wrong about something. It often isn’t intentional, but can often be part of the journey of learning and understanding Scripture. In Scripture we see a group of Jews (the Bereans) actually recognized and commended because they took what Paul taught and examined Scripture to see if it was true (Acts 17:11).
This response should not only be true of the Berean Jews, but also of us as we hear other Christians talk about Scripture. We should take everything we hear and see if it is what Scripture teaches. In reality, what we or others say only matters to the point that it lines up with what Scripture teaches.
If you find an area where someone has said something or acted in a way that does not reflect what Scripture teaches, it is okay to disregard it. While doing so, however, be as loving as possible and continue learning and digging into Scripture for yourself!
** This response is well organized, thorough, and kind in tone. It responds to the question with solid, biblical wisdom in an easy-to-understand and encouraging way. **
Question: Hi! Sorry If I’m asking to much questions, but here I have another one. And It’s about money. I have a lot of questions about money and how should a Christian mantain money. For example- If I have gived money to charity, church and helped the poor. Can I buy some of my “wants” too? And Is it sinful to have some luxuries? All in all I have red “Got questions” posts about money and I have understood that being rich is not wrong, but it can be really dangerous. But can I have some money for my family wants like vacation, new TV, a better car if I have gived my money to church and poor in the first place? And can I try to work harder so I can make my family life a little better in financial situation? Or should I live on only needs and never spend money on expensive things? I hope that your understood my question. Please pray for me so I never have the love for money! Thanks
Answered by: Dean Cernek, who has been a volunteer with us December, 2016.
Answer: I love your heart and your transparency! I think that sometimes we Christians are a bit too stiff when it comes to money issues. The Bible has a lot to say about money but perhaps God – who has limitless resources at his fingertips – isn’t quite as obsessed with money as we tend to be. 🙂
First, the Bible encourages us to work hard and make money. This is both to keep us out of need and to put us in a position to help others (Ephesians 4:28). The Bibles says to stay away from easy money strategies. If you work hard for your money, you’re going to want to spend it well.
Second, the Bible says that God is the one who blesses the person with financial resources. King David said, ‘But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand’ (I Chronicles 29:14). Think about that. Since God has prospered me, it really isn’t mine. It belongs to him. He’s letting me use some of his overflow to live on.
Third, God has a special interest in the poor and the afflicted. So he encourages us not to disregard the poor. In fact this helps both the giver and the one who receives. When we share what God has given us we become generous. Generosity makes our hearts grow bigger (so to speak) and it increases our joy and makes us more human, less self-centered.
Lastly, I think that if you are living aware of the first three points I just made, you will naturally use your money in a way that pleases God. You will be aware of the value of hard work and hard earned money. You will be aware of God’s blessings and want to share them with others. As you share you will become aware of the joy and power of sharing. As your heart becomes even more generous you will be motivated to earn more for all the right reasons.
You are right that money can be dangerous to the soul. Jesus said, “What would it prosper a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” So we must approach this seriously. But perhaps that is why most of us seem to have just enough to go around! 🙂 God knows us very well. Do the above and I believe God will give you wisdom as to how badly you need the material things that our materialistic society encourages us to buy.
I hope this helps. God bless you.
Happily serving Jesus,
Pastor Dean