Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Comments from donors: February 2014

March 3rd, 2014

Thanks for your website!

You are making a great contribution to the cause of Christ. Wish I could help more.

enjoy your web site

This is such vital, accurate work to spread The Word to all people who at least have enough thought of God to ask a question! Thank you for this saving work in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.

God bless your work and how God uses you to help others.

I appreciate your insights. There have been a few times that I’ve disagreed with your answer, and when I’ve contacted you with my concerns, you have seriously considered my suggestions and have made some changes to the answer to better reflect the Scriptural truth. Thank you.

Thank you and God bless you

Thank you very much for GotQuestions.ORG. I use it to increase my understanding in The Word of GOD.

You help me to understand easier so that I can convey God’s word to those I witness. I thank you for your website and love for truth.

keep up the good work.GB

Wonderful information you send us. I have always found they were godly right from the Bible.

Thank You for your service I do love you guys – I wish it could be more someday it will

As the beginner of faith, this site really helps me a lot to find out my Lord, Jesus!
Please keep up the good work.
From Korea

thanks for a great resource!

Your answers are so very helpful and compelling. Thank your for being here for us. God riches blessings be upon you all.

Thanks for all you do. I enjoy your answers to some very good questions.

Thank you for helping me understand God’s word.

Thank you, got questions has helped me a lot on my journey…home!

God bless you folks and thank you.

This is a wonderful ministry that we are taking full advantage of in our church. As the pastor, I feel that finding sights such as this one is a great source. Thank you so much for this sight!

Love your site. God bless.

Thank you for your spreading of the Word of God.

Please continue to spread the Gospel!!

I am a Priest in a small mission church in CA. Enjoy you paper very much and will do more when I can. Retired and on a fixed income. Blessings for all you efforts and I will remember you guys in my daily offices and prayers. Thanks, Fr. George

Thank you for all that you have done for me over the years. I used you before I became a Christian when I was searching for truth, and I still use you today as a believer. You guys have been a huge blessing. God bless.

Thank you again for your website. I love it and it has been such a blessing to me. Thanks also for the Android app.

Thanks for spreading the truth. Never stop!

Thank you for the wonderful work that you are doing. Keep on answering the burning questions!!!!!

Whenever I am stuck on a question from Bible Study, I turn to gotquestions for a biblical non-denominational answer to complex questions. Keep up the good work. May God richly bless you!

Thanks for a great website and for your contributions to eBible. I’ve learned so much.

I have found the articles to be soundly based in Scripture, Spirit led, and free of dogma and bias. Thank you for your commitment to the Word.

Keep up the great work you are doing for God’s kingdom.

This website has helped me greatly in seeking out hard to answer questions in regards to salvation through Jesus Christ. Even though I am already saved, I have been going through a struggle with assurance of salvation and your website has saved me a lot of time and energy in finding the answers I need.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement