Question: I keep hearing atheists use the argument “the burden of proof is on the theist to prove there is a god”. Is this a logically sound argument on any level? I have no idea how to respond to this statement because it seems impossible to refute. While I am a firm believer in the Christian God, this is a tricky one for me. What can a Christian say in response to this atheistic argument?
Answered by: Larry Starkey, who has been a volunteer with us since October, 2015.
Answer: You are right — atheists like to think they hold a default position that the burden of proof is totally on the theist arguing for the existence of God, and the atheist does not need to defend their view that there is no God. According to the atheist, all an atheist has to do is shoot down each argument the theist makes for God’s existence, and never make any assertions for his own worldview, and atheism wins.
However, in reality, the atheist has a burden of proof, too. Here’s why: The theist provides reasons for the existence and activity of God based upon evidence-based arguments such as the origin of life, the appearance of intelligent design, the fine tuning of the universe, the existence of human consciousness, the existence of free will, the reality of transcendent moral truth and values, the preciousness of human life, etc. As theists, we believe those things are realities because God exists; we assert that if God did not exist, those things would not be realities. In contrast, by claiming that God does not exist, the atheist must give evidence-based reasons for the existence of those things based upon a naturalistic worldview. So, neither side gets a free pass! The burden of proof is upon the theist to give evidence why the existence of God is the best explanation for the existence of those things, and the burden of proof is on the atheist to give evidence why naturalism is the best explanation for why those things exist. The atheist must give evidence to support his claim of naturalism, not just shoot down the evidence the theist provides and then claim that atheism wins. Both groups (theists and atheists) share a burden of proof.
Recommended Resource: ‘The Case for Christ’ by J. Warner Wallace
Question: I am thinking I was never born again. Ever since I was, I have noticed a huge change in my life. But lately someone has been doing things that really get me stressed. And today, they did something that really got to me and I antes god to hate them for ut, but it only lasted a second or so then went away. I am just worried I was never born again (Matthew 5:21,22)?
Answered by: Lea Ann McCombs, who has been a volunteer with us since September, 2011.
Answer: Hi. I think it’s great that you have such a sensitive conscience toward God! In fact, that is one indicator that you do have the Spirit of God living in you! (1 Cor. 6: 19-20). When we have a sensitivity to sin and want to be rid of it, that is proof that the Holy Spirit is working in your heart to make you more like Jesus (Rom. 8:29).
Part of that huge change you noticed is the fact that the things you once thought were fine, now bother you. Even after we are born again and want to obey Jesus, we will still mess up. Every one of us continues to sin, have bad attitudes, disobey, and say things we regret (1 John 1:8). But the very next verse tells us what to do about it. Verse 9 says that when we confess our sin to God, He forgives it and makes us right with Him again. We don’t have to get saved all over again, but confessing sin makes our conscience clear and that close fellowship with God is restored.
God relates to us the way a loving earthly father relates to his children. When they mess up, he is pleased when they confess it and learn from their mistakes. He doesn’t kick them out of his life or tell them that they are no longer his kids. He forgives them, may give some consequences to help them learn, but he is glad to restore that fellowship again. God is much the same with His children.
I suggest you confess this sin to God, agree with Him that you don’t want to do it anymore, and ask for His forgiveness. Then if you have said something wrong to someone else, go to that person and confess what you said and ask their forgiveness as well. God wants us to live with clean consciences. It takes humility to do that, but when we humble ourselves, we become even more like Jesus.
So go make this right with your Heavenly Father and start enjoying His fellowship again!