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Discussion on witnessing with just the NT and Psalms

May 12th, 2016

What do you guys think about Christians going out witnessing with just the NT and Psalms? What do you think about “Bibles” that omit most of the OT because that makes them more portable? What about leaving this type of “Bible” as a gift to people when going witnessing?

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Julie Kimani
Julie Kimani That’s always bothered me…

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale I’m divided. People need the Gospel, first and foremost. I wouldn’t refer to the Gideon Bibles as “Bibles” because they aren’t complete. However, for someone looking for Christ, the Gospel is what we preach first and I’m not opposed to giving someone the Word of God even in part as long as we aren’t parsing it out to only include the parts we like.

Julie Kimani
Julie Kimani I have thought about taking copies of just the gospel of John and leaving it with people though. Same difference?

Ed Chait
Ed Chait What about if you’re out witnessing and you run into a Jew who needs to understand that Isaiah 53, for instance, is about Jesus? Or what if you run into someone who has a question about an OT verse or passage?

Julie Kimani
Julie Kimani Smart phone?

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Personally, I don’t think that’s a good option.

Gwen Sellers
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Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale Well, if you’re out witnessing, I’d bring a complete Bible. And if you’re witnessing to a Jew who knows their Bible, they probably have an old testament but still need the NT.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Most Jews don’t know their Bible.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale I agree. So they still need to know the Gospel first and foremost.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Yes, but when witnessing to Jews, it’s important to be able to show them Christ in the OT.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Even those that don’t know their Bibles reject the NT.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait It’s important to be able to show them the Gospel of Isaiah.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale For those who really care. A lot of American Jews are rather agnostic and don’t respect OT or NT. In fact, if you watch Morgan Freeman’s story of God series on NatGeo, the Rabbis refer to the OT as simply a collection of made up stories that teach a moral lesson.

Julie Kimani
Julie Kimani The rabbis?? Wha…??

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Yes, many modern rabbis don’t believe that the Scriptures are inspired, just like many modern pastors.

Julie Kimani
Julie Kimani That makes me so sad.

Gwen Sellers
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Ed Chait
Ed Chait Well, I would feel naked going out witnessing with half a Bible.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale Yes, me too. But if I were to hand out a “Bible” I’d have no problem handing out a Gideon “Bible.”

Ed Chait
Ed Chait The Gideons Bibles I’ve seen have been complete. At least the ones in hotel rooms, etc.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale I’m talking about the little ones they pass out to people. They have Proverbs, Psalms, and the NT.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Oh OK, I’ve seen those. I don’t consider those Bibles. In fact, it is taking away from God’s Word.

Dean Revell
Dean Revell It was a Gideons NT that the Lord used to bring me to Him. My Granma passed it to my mum who in turn gave it to me. They may be incomplete but God isn’t bound by us.

Steve Byrd
Steve Byrd Ed when I was in the military they were issued to us I consider them a good thing.

Gina Cook
Gina Cook God definitely uses any and all Scripture, no matter how man chops it up, for His divine purposes. I came to The Lord after reading scarce Scripture in a heretical book so He can use a book that just contains the New Testament for sure BUT that doesn’t mean we are necessarily free to chop or deliver Gods Word however we want. Is it wrong? I dunno, but I too would not feel comfortable giving people only half a Bible. It’s always bothered me.

Kenneth Franchino
Kenneth Franchino I have a Gideon bible as being in the army it’s easy to carry in my uniform and keep with me. It may only be the New Testament and psalms and proverbs but it’s better than not having anything at all.

I also have little booklets that are the book of John that I hand out or leave around places. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Now if you were only bringing parts of Gods word with you to twist Gods word for your own means or gain, then yeah I’d say that’s wrong. But otherwise I don’t see an issue as many people over in 3rd world countries only have access to parts of the Word and some none at all, but God still reaches them

Tim White
Tim White Going out to witness, I can use the book of Matthew, or Mark, John, Romans, Ephesians or Galatians. Most of the historic Church didn’t have the completed scriptures.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait I agree with Gina. God is able to overcome our errors, but that doesn’t make them right. How is removing most of the OT from the Bible not taking away from His Word? I have a couple of pocket Bibles that are complete and easy to carry around.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale Perhaps – But we often quote only a piece of Scripture when we’re witnessing to people. So, we do use pieces at a time. However, handing the OT to people who don’t understand the purpose of the OT and have no clue about no longer being under the Law can confuse them unless we’re there to walk them through it.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait We have the privilege and blessing of having the entire Bible.

Tim White
Tim White I understand, but the Word of God is greater than a book with pages and leather covers. His Word is powerful, so we don’t have to read the entire book to a prospective convert in order for them to be saved. Most importantly, we must carry the whole counsel of God in our hearts to be effective witnesses.

Sarah Van Baale
Sarah Van Baale Very well said!

Ed Chait
Ed Chait I completely understand that and I agree, but I don’t think we are free to make the Bible smaller for our convenience.

Tim White
Tim White Ed, it sounds like that is a very strong conviction for you and therefore very well may align with your mission, particularly with your passion to witness to Jews.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Yes, that seems to be a strong conviction for me.

Kenneth Franchino
Kenneth Franchino In all honesty it wasn’t scripture that brought me to to God. It was seeing Gods love work through people and having his love. So God can use any means available to reach people. Do with what you compelled to do, but remember, don’t judge or look down on someone who may not feel the same way

Gwen Sellers
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Ed Chait
Ed Chait My original question was not about judging Christians, but rather about judging the practice of going out witnessing without a complete Bible. Good discussion and I appreciate all the comments.

Dean Revell
Dean Revell I admit I went out with a small but compact NIV (1984) which was easy to carry in your coat pocket. I seldom carried tracts when doing door to door. The thing I always found was that the ability to recall scripture in those situations was amazing! All I can say is that the Holy Spirit gives without limit.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait I haven’t been witnessing door to door for very long, so I’m green and learning.

Tim White
Tim White Green is environmentally safe.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait But I want to be environmentally dangerous smile emoticon

Gwen Sellers

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Dean Revell
Dean Revell neither have I, Ed. It is a lot harder to do so in this day and age. Reading a book called Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice and is very heart searching.

Steve Ray Webb
Steve Ray Webb Apostle Paul would have been appalled! Oh, wait! He didn’t have a New Testament.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait not by choice smile emoticon

Dean Revell
Dean Revell no Paul had something far greater – the Holy Spirit.

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Both is better.

Gwen Sellers

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Daniel Pasono
Daniel Pasono IMO, an established Christian can carry partial Bibles around for their personal reference, but if you’re giving them away they need to whole because if it’s not the whole truth it’s not truth at all.

Jesse Mcphaill
Jesse Mcphaill Wonderful discussion here. I simply marvel though how this type of “diminishing ought” from the word of God is stood up to when the more clear removal of verses from many Bibles, per the “wise” and “scholar” of this world, is totally forgotten. Nay, embraced! As it is written, “and the king kissed Absalom” (Ii Samuel 14:33).

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