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Discussion on Young Earth / Old Earth Creationism

May 12th, 2016

Poll: Do you consider yourself a Young Earth Creationist or an Old Earth Creationist?

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Tim White
Tim White Middle aged. I sometimes lean gap and sometimes young.

Tim White
Tim White How long is the suspension if I argue with myself?

Shea Houdmann
Shea Houdmann Tim, 14,000,006,000 years.

Gwen Sellers
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Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry Young earth. About 6000 years old. If anyone’s interested I can provide a list of reasons, from both Scripture and science.

Fred Becker
Fred Becker Definitely young earth. Bible says it an science backs it up.

Kenneth Franchino
Kenneth Franchino Id say Old earth, due to 2 Peter 3:8 saying how The Lords time is not like ours referencing a thousand years being like a day and vice versa. Also the hebrew word that was translated as day in English means long age or period of time.

Joseph Ford
Joseph Ford I disagree, Ken. The Hebrew word use for day in Genesis 1 means a 24-hour day. The reference in Peter doesn’t mean a thousand years equals a day to us. It simply means that time is nothing to God because He is outside of it. If the references to “daySee More

Jed Kramer
Jed Kramer Genesis 2:3,4 both use the word “yom”. (This is the case in ‘word for word’ translations.) If both instances mean a 24hr day, then all six 24hr days of creation happened within one 24hr day. This is logically impossible. Yom was either used in both places to refer to an unspecified period of time meaning ‘old earth’ is plausible, or it carried two different meanings in adjacent verses. Two different meanings is possible, but definitely not cut & dry. It definitely leaves room for a Biblical position on either age of earth.

Kenneth Franchino
Kenneth Franchino Ultimately, at the end of the day all that matters is God made everything, according to his will 😎

Joseph Ford
Joseph Ford Jed, context, context, context. Peter says that a thousand years “is as a” or “like a” day. It doesn’t mean “equals”. A thousand years to God goes by like a day for us. It gives no credence or legitimacy to the Old Earth theory.

Gwen Sellers

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Justin Tilghman
Justin Tilghman Nowadays, “young,” and I think Scripture shows us that God is able to create things in a mature state given that Adam was given the command to be fruitful and multiply very soon after being created. To me, that explains stars billions of lightyears away, etc.

Tim White
Tim White Obviously God created and built in age in the creation (Shea, I promise I am not arguing) as did Christ when He turned water into wine. The trees and animals seem to be matured, as did Adam and Eve. The New Heaven and New earth will not be just seeded, but if it is seeded, even those presuppose parent trees. But I honestly do not know. Getting where I am really not sure that part of it matters, as long as we take God at His Word that seven days were seven days, regardless of what was there (without form and void) before the seven days.

Gwen Sellers
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Christopher Dupre
Christopher Dupre Time in one part of our ever-expanding universe is completely different than in another. Young.

Timothy Craig Munger
Timothy Craig Munger I am a Creationist, I don’t believe we can put a number of years to it. I am a young earth Creationist.

Hope McCullough
Hope McCullough I’m unsure as well.

Craig Simons
Craig Simons Young Earth. I take God at His word and even if I didn’t, there are too many problems with neo-Darwinianism to take it as a viable theory of origins. But, that’s just my two cents.

Jed Kramer
Jed Kramer For the record, “Old Earth” and neo-Darwinian origins are not the same. Setting the stage for life & creating life are different discussions.

Craig Simons
Craig Simons Given the request of the original poster, I’ll simply say Okay.

Bruce Fox
Bruce Fox Young earth just like the Bible states.

Gwen Sellers
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Jonathan Morales
Jonathan Morales I think that there’s no absolute way for us to know for sure. And I wouldn’t take the easy explanation and just say oh the Bible says it’s 6000 years old, cause it really doesn’t.

Beth DeVore
Beth DeVore I’m conflicted because I’m Young Earth, but I feel like we’ve been arguing/discussing it for 10 million years.

Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry Here’s why I’m a young earth creationist. (1) The Bible does in fact say the earth is about 6000 years old. Follow the genealogies in Genesis and do the math. It’s about 1650 years from Adam to Noah, about 2350 years from Noah to Jesus, and its been 2000 years from Jesus to now. That’s about 6000 years. (2) Salt in the ocean. The oceans contain about 3.5% salt content. If rivers have been emptying into the oceans for billions of years, there would be so much salt in the ocean it would be saturated. (3) The Niagara River. The NIagara River gorge is about 7 miles long. Niagara Falls recedes at the rate of 4 to 5 feet per year. Again, do the math. The length of the NIagara River Gorge only accounts for about 7000 years of erosion. (4) Helium in the atmosphere. The air contains about 5ppm helium, from radioactive decay of earth’s rocks. Helium accumulates in the atmosphere 43 times faster than it escapes into space. If helium has been accumulating for millions or billions of years, the atmosphere would contain a lot more helium than it does. (5) Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic field declines by about one-half every 1400 years. This rate is more consistent with a young earth than one that is millions or billions of years old.

Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry Apologies for that lengthy post, typed it in before seeing Shea’s request for no arguing.

Craig Simons
Craig Simons I wouldn’t call that arguing. You’re simply stating your position and why you hold it. Now, going back and forth with another trying to “prove your point,” would be arguing. wink emoticon

Gwen Sellers
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Ed Romero
Ed Romero Middle Earth

Ed Romero's photo.
Ed Romero
Ed Romero But seriously, I don’t know

Gwen Sellers
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Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil Young earth but God made everything old.

Lea Ann Davis McCombs
Lea Ann Davis McCombs Young earth at heart. It’s hard to get away from the ongoing scripture references to a 7-day week and 24-hour days. However, I’m willing to admit there may be more I don’t know about, and the gap theory may have some merit in its various revised forms. But at this stage in life, I am at peace with not having to know everything and be “right” about everything. God did it. I trust Him. It’s enough for me.

Wendyl Leslie
Wendyl Leslie Young earth. When we start toying with the idea that God didn’t really mean what He said in the very beginning “And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day,” we start doubting and questioning everything else He said (see Eph. 4:14: James 1:6). We then become gods within our own minds. The Bible warns us against questioning God ( Isaiah 45:9; Romans 9:20-21).

Tim White
Tim White Respectfully, not all old earth question the six 24 hour day creation and a day of rest. As a matter of fact, to me, that is unquestionable, since Jesus stated it. “A day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day” is not even intimating anything about creation.

Tim White
Tim White Some old earth proponents hold just as tightly to the six days plus one. They just wonder about the “without form and void” and the timeframe of the fall of Satan.

Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil God created everything in literal six days but they were created old. Examples: God created the heavens and everything in it in one day but they are millions/billions of years old to men. God created all the trees but some of those trees are hundreds of years old some are several years old depending on the specie of course. God created Adam on the sixth day but he was created as adult probably 30-100 years old capable of multiplication.

Jed Kramer
Jed Kramer While I consider myself ‘old earth’, I am most passionate about ensuring that non-salvation issues like this do NOT divide us. (John 17:23 , Ephesians 4:3) I fully acknowledge that God is capable of creating everything that exists out of nothing in six 24hr days. While I have reasonable & Biblical support for leaning toward an ‘old earth’, I also acknowledge that there is reasonable & Biblical support for leaning toward a ‘young earth’. I’m not sure what Shea Houdmann will do with these survey results, but I hope that it promotes humility, mutual respect, and emphasis on the most central parts of Scripture for salvation.

Dean Revell
Dean Revell Where reason can not wander, there faith can freely swim.

Patrick Thompson
Patrick Thompson Definitely young earth advocate. One of the greatest proofs in our time was the Mt. St. Helens debacle.

Michael Karpf
Michael Karpf I’m young earth but I’m not dogmatic over it. What there is no debate over is that God created the heavens and the earth

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Robert Marx
Robert Marx Young earth Creationist. God spoke. Things came into being.

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