Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank yous from February donors

March 8th, 2016

Your organization helps us to keep the biblical truth as the most powerful source when learning and studying various concepts of the Bible and sharing the biblical truths with others.  It has become one of my most used resources for myself and others. We all must continue to present truthful, godly responses to the myriad of problem facing us on a daily basis in each of our lives.


Love your website.  We use it often and tell others about it as well and they love it too.

Thanks for being used by the Lord…


Thank you for all the great information, I have learned so much from your website!  God Bless!


Thank you.  Please pray for my children.  Both need salvation.


as my self preach the Gospel among the Muslim community, and i find sometime your articles very helpful. please keep us in your prayers and God bless all of you,Amen.


God bless you and thank you for answering all of my questions and helping me in my walk with Jesus Christ!


Thank you for your commitment and labor of love for the Body of Christ.


Your publications have been very helpful and I appreciate you all very much!


Thank you! Your answers to my questions have helped me tremendously!


This program is a great tool! I use it often as a teacher of God’s Word.


Thanks for all you do.  I am 78 years of age and attending online school at Dallas Theological Seminary and I am in my fifth semester of a Masters in Biblical and theological studies.  You site has been helpful to me in my studies.  Thank you GQ.


I love the idea of this kind of info reaching those that have limited Christian resources in their own country/language


I love checking questions on your site and feel comfortable directing people here with their questions. God speed to your


I was saved supernaturally threw the truths revealed in Scripture on this website. The Lord reveled resurrection to me threw the Scriptures presented to me on this website, now own a ESV Bible and I’m growing daily. I direct anyone I meet to this website and I often use it for my own personal growth all the time. Jesus is a wonderful father, teacher, leader. I’m happy He directed me to this website and I enjoy supporting the ministry.


Keep the ‘Light On’ in this dark world of lost souls. Phil.3.14


Thank you for all the research that your organization does to advance Christian Education.


Thank you for this wonderful site.  I used it tonight to share with a Buddhist man who had some questions about Christianity.  I always find what I’m looking for here.  God Bless You!


You are doing an excellent work for the Lord. Keep it up. It has been a great blessing to me and I pray many, many souls will be saved by this ministry.


Great Site!  Thanks!  Be encouraged in the Lord!  I appreciate you!


I am a retired MD and have been called by the Lord to minister at our Bexar Copunty Jail with some 4,000 inmates here in San Antonio.  I spend two days a week going to visit inmates in the pods.  They often have spiritual questions I can’t answer or I feel like I did not give them a good answer.  I tell them I will get them the answer.  There has not been any question ( and I have asked a lot of them) that you all did not give me a great answer right out of God’s word. I feel that God has given me an effective ministry because of the help He gives me through your wonderful web site.  Tim


I always look forward to Got Questions at all times. Please keep up the good work. May God continue to bless you and the ministry.


Your website has helped me more than I can ever express in words.  I am blessed to be involved in a Women’s Jail Ministry  I can always find the answers to questions asked by these women supported by scripture.  Thanks to your ministry, I am better equipped to share The Good News to those who feel they are “forgotten”.


This is my second donation, I love your work and I know I will receive this back tenfold, not in the form of monetary wealth but rather riches in the spirit & riches of the heart.


I am so thankful for the work you do! I thank God and will continue to pray to give you wisdom and a long life to continue to help us to grow in Christ.


The insightful information you provide through your Got Questions pages are a blessing…

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement