Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank yous from October Donors

November 3rd, 2015

You are a blessing. I recommend your site to seekers and new converts all the time.

Lord bless. I have used numerous of your “answers,” both directly as quotes and as a resource for study and teaching. Please continue to be Biblical counselors stressing the inerrancy of the Word. has played a huge and significant role in introducing me to the true faith and helping me grow in my personal relationship with the Lord. We cannot thank you enough. God bless your wonderful ministry!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve just had every day questions that your site has addressed and answered scripturally. And this is coming from a lifelong bible studier, Christian and Biblical Archaeology major and East Carolina University! You’re staff and site is a blessing as it sticks strictly to the scripture for reference and exercises sound doctrine based on that approach aka as Timothy said “you rightfully divide the word”.

I’ve gone to your site numerous times and found it very informative and helpful.
May the Lord continue to be please to do great things with your organization.

I thank the Lord for Got Questions dot org. Use website frequently for doctrinal questions and issues on biblical Christian living.

Your web site is awesome, rightly dividing the word and keeping scripture in context, every christian on earth should spend alot of time on your site to learn how to shun profane and vain babblings, you are in my prayers to remain online…

Thanks you for providing answers to so many questions. May God continue to bless you as you reach out to so many.

Love your innovative, 21st century-minded ministry. I refer to it often for guidance.

Thank you for your wonderful site. I am a Bible teacher and I can always count on you to provide concise, Biblical explanations of Bible verses and Christian issues.

My go to place for most answers.

I do appreciate your wonderful ministry! Thank you and God bless!

Thank-you for the work everyone does there!

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do. I can always count on you to give answers that always conform with the Bible & not someone’s imaginings & that is critical in this age of apostasy. God bless everyone in your ministry. I wish I could give many times this amount it further your work.

Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and for doing your part of spreading truth to a lost and confused world. I pray for you provision and energy to continue on mission. You are a trusted resource I have found to count on.

I use this biblical tool all the time to clarify or understand what scripture means about tuff questions I have regarding some of the teaching I have been taught for years. I was raised in a Church of God in Christ (COGIC) denomination. I need real bible truth to compare scripture to traditions & belief Ive accepted that could be unscriptural. Thank you so much

Thanks and God bless you for your ministry to the body of Christ and seeking souls. Appreciate having your support when I also need Godly wisdom and balance and anothers understanding of real and tuff issues in life. God bless us all

I want to thank you for your website. I teach a Women Bible Study and have used your Bible references many times. I won’t use books, why there are many good author, I feel that our learning should come from the Bible and you help me cover subject with scriptures to back it up. Keep up the great work. Our country is in a crisis and we need to be about Our Father’s business. In His Love, Donnalee

Thank you for your ministry. I teach a faith-based 12 step program at the Women’s Jail and your ministry has been such a resource to me and blessed these women in so many ways.

One of my top resources for biblical answers. When folks have a question about Christianity, I always refer them to Got Questions because it sticks with the bible in a un bias way and KEEP IT REAL.

Your site is a wonderful tool to find answers to the things which may confuse people and the guidance and references this site refers to can never be contradicted. God bless you all.

Hi there. As a word of encouragement I just wanted to say that I’m not sure who came up with the idea to begin this ministry but its incredible. Thank you for helping to carry God’s message to all his children. Your website and its contents are evidence that God has been ever faithful to your work and that collectively your organization has received his message in full truth, love, and discernment. It’s almost impossible to find churches let alone organizations who diligently and faithfully abide in his word and offer others guidance and counsel to our life’s most pressing questions. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to pray for this organization and the reach of its ministry.

The site is awesome and I enjoy being provided with the most clarifying answers to help me grow and understand the word of God.

Your words are so filled with the knowledge and wisdom of the lord, the world needs what you have to offer, I stand with you for it is our duty to share the wisdom of God’s word with the lost and dying in the world.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement