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Question on Someone Claiming to Hear God Audibly

September 7th, 2015

Hey everybody,

I would really like your thoughts on this topic.

If there is an individual who claims to hear from God (audibly), but refuses to submit himself to any type of church leadership and authority, is not accountable to anybody but himself, has his own “house church” and has appointed himself as pastor of that “house church,” bashes other churches in the community and tries to tear other peoples marriages apart and justifies it by saying that you have to go where the Lord leads you, even if your spouse doesn’t want to, and to top it off, he is a staunch King James Only Advocate who believes other versions of the Bible are satanic.

Would you call this individual a heretic and false teacher? Please provide scriptural support for responses.

Thank you and God bless.

  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Evan Plante Yes to all… and his “whole” is worse than the sum of his parts…which are all really bad standing alone.
  • Jason Finch I completely agree. This is an individual who lives in my community, a good salesman and has deceived a very minute number of young impressionable believers. Myself and others are on the front lines against his heresies and trying to teach others of his destructive ways.

    Please keep us all in your prayers.
  • Tim White He is deceived. You must love God the way He sets up love, not the way we want to. That means in community with other believers in a New Testament Church. He might as well give up his KJ Bible because he is not obeying it. He is rejecting all the “one another” verses in the epistles. He is denying all the admonitions in the pastoral epistles. He is trying to make his own relationship with God work, but God will not allow. He argues about words to no profit. If you examine his letter closely, he is trying to recruit you to his warped view of Christianity.
  • Jason Finch Tim White
    Exactly I am not falling for it. But the reason I brought this post up, is because recently he has affected some close and dear brothers in Christ and their spouses. Now by God’s grace, they see it clearly, just how heretical this man is, but he still has others under his spell so to speak and they need to be rescued by the Lord.
  • Wendyl Leslie The apostle John was quite adamant about how we are to deal with those who teach another gospel other than what they taught:

    “Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching
    , he has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds” (2 John 1:9-11).
  • Wendyl Leslie Here’s a few more Scripture references you may find helpful as well:

    Romans 16:17

    2 Thess. 3:6
    2 Thess. 3:14
    Titus 3:10
  • Lea Ann Davis McCombs Don’t know about calling him heretic, as I think there is far too much name-calling going on within the church. But he is definitely deceived and arrogant. Unfortunately, this kind of thing seems to be increasing, with women doing so as well, calling themselves Prophetesses and refusing to make themselves accountable to any established church. I can’t help but compare this attitude with Rev. 2:20. Galatians 1:6-9 seems to be addressing this as well.
  • Erik van Geel At the same time, it is our duty as local churches to try and restore those who have gone astray. Matthew 18:15 etc., Galatians 6:1.
  • William Brenner If he is not following scriptural principles from the bible, then I would have no problem considering him heretical, whether you call it by that name or not. Deception is deception, and those who lead the flock should especially be held accountable. You can’t bring people to Christ with such tactics, and the voices he thinks he hears may be demonic. So high caution is wise.
  • Dale Agner Two thoughts, “hearing voices” is either delusionial, or psychotic, if he indeed heard voices. Since no one else “heard”,and if not delusional or psychotic (in the medical terms), such as he is “making up” hearing voices, he falls into a cluster of personality disorders, which includes narcissistic, schizotypal, or a variant of sociopath. Hearing God’s audible voice would be someone whom would fall under scriptural authority, and have a life of fruit that demonstrates following God.
  • Jason Finch Dale Agner
    I honestly think that he has done this for so long that he actually thinks that he hears God. But if you look at the fruit of his life, it is evident that what he wants and desires is exactly what “God” tells him and therefore he goes for it
    . And if you oppose him in anyway, he somehow convinces or at least tries to make you feel guilty for questioning God. He tried to get my friend to leave his wife and have him move out to Hawaii to plant the “church” and says when “God” calls, you have to obey, even if that means leaving your wife and son who was just born 7 days ago.
  • William Brenner Christ would NEVER give such advice. He is not speaking for Christ, but another power. Bad news.
  • Jason Finch Dale Agner
    But praise Jesus! My friend’s eyes have been opened and now he sees the deception that he was under and took a 180° turn from this guy and is willing to warn others about him and his heretical ways.
  • William Brenner Once someone is running on his own track, apart from obedience to scripture, he is a false teacher and will refuse to be held accountable.
  • Jason Finch William Brenner
    I completely agree, and I was able to pour into him today the real Biblical model of marriage and his eyes have opened wide to the reality of what a Biblical marriage looks like. But I give all the credit to Jesus, because if it wasn’t for Him, I would’ve remained under this same heretic’s influence as well.
  • William Brenner Sometimes it does feel uncomfortable knowing that there is an unholy power behind these types. But Jesus gives you the confidence needed. We don’t look to ourselves but to Him.
  • Patrick Thompson You have received some good answers, but will chime in anyway. Titus 3:9-10 is referring to divisive persons, which are false teachers promoting beliefs and opinions that have no Biblical basis. The Greek word for “heretick” was adopted by the early See More
  • Alyson Dreyer Anyone who will not remain inside the authority structure and discipline of the church can become a problem even if what they teach is accurate. It still shows a proud unaccountable heart at the core of that person. I had to break with a women I have studied with for 16 years because she will not be held accountable for the people that she damages with hurtful words. She feels she has to be right at all cost, even the cost of fellowship. Some of the women in the class seem to to look to this women as if she were all knowing and it is not discouraged. She will not hold herself accountable to any pastor or elder. The more this progressed the less effective her teaching became.
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