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Question on “Christian Atheists” and “Cultural Christians”

June 18th, 2015
  • Got assigned a question today and would like your input on it: What is the difference between “cultural Christian” and “Christian atheism”?

    The terms “cultural Christian” and “Christian atheism” aren’t totally foreign to me, however, I’m not having much success finding good info about them. My initial thoughts are that Christian atheists believe that Jesus was a good, moral man, but God Himself, is not longer relevant in the church or even dead.

    On the other hand, cultural Christians (after all is said and done), has never read the Bible and are just going along with the church “crowd” because they’re unsure of what they believe. But if it it feels good or sounds good, it must be “right.” Unlike the Christian atheists, these folks believe God exists, but He’s only there in case something really bad happens. As long as they’re fairly comfortable in the church, they’re okay.

    • Kris Cadogan One group seems to be willingly rejecting the Lord( Christian atheist) while the other group doesn’t really know what is going on due to not reading the Bible. I guess cultural Christians are lukewarm in a sense( Rev 3:14-22). If this group were aware, they would realize that something extremely bad has already happened ( the fall of man, sin, etc) and would become ” real Christians”.
    • Joseph Ford Christian Atheist is just an oxymoron, emphasis on moron. Kris gave a great definition of a Cultural Christian, it’s fun to do and feels good, but I don’t have any relationship with Jesus Christ.
    • Byron Earnheart Not familiar with either term as both contain inherent contradictions. However, both seem to be deist in nature…I.e. Jesus isn’t God and He has no impact on the culture. I think I’d probably go towards responding with a sovereignty answer.
    • Alyson Dreyer In essence, they are both the same thing, unsaved.
    • William Brenner Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin. Without forgiveness there is no Christianity and no Christ in their life. These terms are meaningless excuses to have their cake and eat it too. Disingenuous people who make themselves their master. Calling oneself Christian without surrendering to Christ will never make anyone a Christian. When we say cultural Christian, we are saying unbeliever.
    • Justin Tilghman Craig Groeschel has a book called Christian Atheism in which he defines Christian Athiests as those who “believe” in Jesus but live as practical atheists….in other words live as if He has no bearing on their life.
    • William Brenner Are those people truly Christian? I say no. Even Satan “believes in Jesus”.
    • Marc Weiss I would have been what one called a Christian Atheist in the sense that I would have told you I loved Jesus, but I was in sin. All changed in May 2012. I still sin, but I depend on Jesus for everything. I am always careful about repentance and restitutSee More
    • William Brenner Yes, and the point is that belief that Jesus exists is not enough. They remain non Christians if that is all they have, intellectual acknowledgement .Jesus without commitment or repentance will not make a person saved.
    • Alyson Dreyer Christians that still live like the world, not sanctifying themselves, are called carnal Christians, fleshy Christians, not atheists.

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