Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Eric Hoehn

October 20th, 2021
I just found out that I am celebrating my ten-year anniversary of being a writer for Got Questions. Boy, time flies. I came across the site in my research for a study that I was leading and followed the link to become a writer. I believe the question that I was asked to address as part of my application was around eternal security.  It has been fun to serve and a real privilege as well. Serving with Got Questions keeps my theology chops sharp as I have answered questions ranging from salvation to the mystery of the incarnation as well as more . . .

Ed Romero

October 20th, 2021

10 years ago, I was using GotQuestions a lot. (I still do.) But I remember thinking that it would be great to be a part of this ministry. To me, this continues to be one way I can share the gospel and minister to people. As an added bonus, I particularly love the occasional whiteboard of hilarious questions.

Jim Schablitsky

October 20th, 2021
What got you involved in Got Questions Ministries? The leading of the Spirit according to Ephesians 2:10 What has kept you with it for 10 years? The high honor of serving God!  Thomas Watson (1620-1686) wrote an article to pastors about their high calling.  Though the “intended audience” was the 17th century pastor, one may presume all laborers in the Great Commission would be included. An excerpt from Chapter 1 in Watson’s book entitled “The Beatitudes” follows:       “You are engaged . . .

Mary Reetz

October 20th, 2021
Before I joined Got Questions about 10 years ago, I had been practically devouring the site daily when I discovered it in 2004 or 2005. In the beginning I went through a gallon of ink printing the answers to read over and over again. It was in large part because of this ministry that I grew into a mature Christian. Being a volunteer has taught me how to lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance in all things. Answering questions still brings me great joy, especially when I can encourage others in their pursuit . . .

Lea Ann McCombs

October 20th, 2021
I found GotQuestions doing my own research and found myself coming back over and over. One day I trolled around to find out just who these people were and found the "About" page. At the bottom was a "Write for us" button so I clicked it. My favorite part of writing for this ministry is the fact that I can be a foreign missionary from my living room. It still awes me that I can share the gospel with a woman from a closed country or a man from Asia as easily as emailing family. Having worked as a lay counselor for the past 12 years, I've learned . . .

Bob Gow

October 20th, 2021
While serving in an AIDS ministry with a local church, during our weekly drive to a facility for people with AIDS, we often spent our commute discussing biblical topics and questions that might come up. On one occasion, a co-worker said that he had been using Got Questions for research, and told me I might enjoy answering questions there. I had never heard of the ministry, but I checked it out and sent in my testimony. I got off to a shaky start however, as I love to study the Bible, and have no wish to argue just for the sake of arguing.  . . .

Bob Lewis

October 20th, 2021
A number of years ago while in discussion with a friend, he mentioned I ought to consider becoming part of the Got Questions Ministry. Later that year I had the opportunity of visiting the office! For almost 20 years I have been involved in a ministry to those incarcerated, both physically in four states and also as a grader for Mount Zion Bible Institute. My involvement has been rewarding, personally as well as spiritually, as I  have observed individuals advance in The Faith. Happy Anniversary!!!! bob . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement