What got you involved in Got Questions Ministries?
The leading of the Spirit according to Ephesians 2:10
What has kept you with it for 10 years?
The high honor of serving God! Thomas Watson (1620-1686) wrote an article to pastors about their high calling. Though the “intended audience” was the 17th century pastor, one may presume all laborers in the Great Commission would be included. An excerpt from Chapter 1 in Watson’s book entitled “The Beatitudes” follows:
“You are engaged in a glorious service. God has put great renown upon you. He has entrusted you with two most precious jewels, his truths and the souls of his people. Never was this honor conferred upon any angel to convert souls! What princely dignity can parallel this?
…whatever our persons are, the office is sacred. The ministry is the most honorable employment
in the world. Jesus Christ has graced
this calling by entering into it, allowing you to embrace this holy work.
Other men work in their trade, ministers
work with God. We are laborers together
with God (1 Corinthians 3:9). Oh,
what a high honor! God and his
ministers have one and the same work. They both negotiate about souls. Let the sons of the prophets wear this as
their crown and diadem.”
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What is your favorite question?
With the quote from Thomas Watson in mind, all of us labor in the vineyard together. We have been entrusted with a glorious service, a holy work, the work of God.
A lady, by the name of Denise, wrote about her anger towards God, accusing Him of blessing some Christians with the abundant life while allowing others to live in poverty and endure persecution. After answering her question, she wrote back to Got Questions with a sincere thank you.
I feel deeply humbled and moved by these riches that you’ve shared with me. I would not trade this grace that you’ve extended out of your own diligent work and study for any price. I just wept. I wept at the beauty of your words, the eloquence, the care taken, the time sacrificed, the kindness and compassion poured out to a complete stranger. No person could be that beautiful inside unless God was good.
I now understand what the true riches of God are about, and I feel what you meant when you said these riches are not to be given away but shared. That is precisely what gave this so much value for me. Spiritually, I was feeling complete isolation and overwhelm. How you managed to lift me out of that ironclad state with such gentleness and quietness in your soul filled me with assurance that not only is God all wise, but He is the very definition of sanity.
It was not lost on me that everything you shared was based in the word of God and born out of your own dedication, hard work and sincerity. I just wanted you to know that not one single word you have shared with me will go to waste. You were on the mark for me with every point that you covered. Thank you, I will never forget this. Thank you for ending my nightmare of a careless God for good, and for opening the doors to a new spiritual reality for me. With Love, Denise
Denise is right. That beautiful person inside is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Though only branches in the Vine, it is God flowing through you and me to touch the heart of another. And when He does, all honor and praise rightly belong to the Lord of Glory, Jesus the Christ (John 15:5,8; 1 Corinthians 1:30–31).