Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Scott Larrison: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019

I honestly can’t remember how I first got started in the ministry, but credit the Lord for bringing me to the website and signing up as a volunteer.  The Lord has really helped develop in me a love for writing and especially about writing about the word of God.  I love researching answers to questions and learning new things myself.  I love this ministry and feel it is a big part of my service to the Lord.

Andy Ferrier: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Hard to believe it has been 10 years, time flies when you enjoy what you are doing. I can't remember exactly how I came across the got questions web site, as best I remember, I think I did a google search and gotquestions came up.  When I saw you needed writers I applied, and the rest is history as they say. There is not really one question that stands out to me over the past 10 years, but having answered many questions related to Jewish culture and evangelism, those have been the most enjoyable for me to write about. A close second are questions . . .

Tim Munger: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
I met Shea and Melissa at breakfast during the Independent Fundamental Churches of America convention in 2009. I was intrigued by their work and enjoyed our brief encounter. Later, I heard a conversation about a breakout session they held that they needed writers, so I went to their booth and expressed an interest in volunteering with GQ. I received the application shortly after, they accepted me, and I began my time. I do have a favorite question. A man from Australia wrote with a concern about the unpardonable sin. It led to a dialogue . . .

Steve Webb: 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
Ten years with GotQuestions! Wow! Only a few months away from age 70, I can look back and say it has been a wonderful ride with this ministry. Currently living in Wisconsin, raised in Illinois, university schooling in Nebraska, Virginia and Texas, and having lived in six towns in Texas (Midland, Houston, Corpus Christi, Lubbock, Dallas and Del Rio) along with short stints in Denver and Alabama, both before and interspersed with my geology career overseas, which took me and my family to Indonesia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Argentina, Russia  and . . .

Don Sullivan – 10-Year Blurb

October 27th, 2019
DI got involved with the ministry of when Shea came to visit with us in my previous work experience at the Christian Research Institute.  I saw GotQuestions as a much needed ministry that put the wisdom of scripture into an easy to grasp format, where people could ask the questions they had about scripture without feeling intimidated.  I still appreciate the work that happens at GotQuestions, and I enjoy seeing how many people have been impacted by the work that Shea and the team has done.  It’s really amazing to feel like . . .


October 3rd, 2019
I've been thinking about routine faithfulness lately. We live in a fallen and dark world in which we are called to be lights. Sometimes it can seem as if everything is against us—culture, circumstances, and even our own sin natures. It can be wearying to continue to press on in faith and obedience, choosing the narrow path instead of the broad way. And yet God proves Himself faithful over and over again; following His ways really does bring life, as so many Scriptures assure us. My church has been studying the life of Elijah, and it's been . . .

Sample Q&A from September 2019

October 3rd, 2019
* This response answers the question biblically, thoroughly, and with clear explanations. It conveys foundational truths about God, provides biblical support, gives useful logical arguments, and is easy to understand. The tone is genuinely kind throughout. The response also provides further resources that could be useful to the questioner. ** Question: I have a genuine question. why doesn't God show His face? how good would the world be if God ruled making all people know that He is God? why doesn't God's name appear in CNN Or BBC or Fox news . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement