Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank Yous from Donors – December 2014

January 2nd, 2015
Thanks for great answers to troublesome questions!   When I became a Christian a little more than a year ago, your website helped me greatly to understand the why behind the what and what it truly meant to begin to live on strong faith, faith that wasn't blind. God bless.   I teach a bible study, and often include links to your site in my emails. Thank you for your ministry! I especially like the audio answers as well. I can do dishes, get ready etc all while listening to your "Answers!"   Love your ministry and . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – January 2015

January 2nd, 2015
Thank you for praying for us. As we enter into the New Year, please specifically pray for: 1. There is a lot we could be doing in 2015. We truly need wisdom and discernment to know the Lord's priorities. 2. We receive a lot of email from people who disagree with us on one issue or another. We need to do a better job of recognizing when a response is warranted vs. when a response would be "casting pearls before swine." 3. 2014 was a very good year financially. We want to be excellent stewards of what the Lord has provided. As always, . . .

Receiving Thank Yous

January 2nd, 2015
THANK YOUS FROM QUESTIONERS AND DONORS: Fairly regularly we receive thank you notes from questioners and donors. Every month Beth puts together a list of the notes that donors have sent. You can find archives of those on the Team Blog under "Testimonials". Ones from our questioners are often posted to the Facebook Got Questions Writers' group page and to the Team Blog. We'll also start putting some in our newsletters. Be encouraged by this one from December: "I love the way you answer each question meticulously with supporting verses between . . .

Want to Contribute to the Newsletter?

January 2nd, 2015
Several of you expressed a desire to contribute to the monthly newsletter when we asked you in our recent survey. Thank you! Please send in stories of how your service with Got Questions Ministries relates to your life, such as those "God-incidences" when a question you received is just what you needed to answer or how your neighbor wanted a resource to answer her grandchild's question and you could offer or how having other volunteers pray for you encouraged you or whatever it may be, to We'd also love to hear . . .

Connecting Volunteers

January 2nd, 2015
If Facebook is something you enjoy, the Facebook Got Questions Writers' group page is a great way to interact with one another. We've really enjoyed watching community build there, and hope that those of you who use Facebook have enjoyed it as well. For those of you who do not use Facebook and are interested in seeing the interactions, we are now putting much of the Facebook discussion onto the Team Blog. A few of you expressed interest in an interactive forum outside of the Facebook Got Questions Writers' group page. We'd love to get you connected, . . .

Volunteer Profile – Where in the world is everyone?

January 2nd, 2015
VOLUNTEER PROFILE: Where in the world is everyone? As you know, we have volunteers from across the globe. In case you've been wondering just how geographically diverse our current group of volunteers is, here's the layout: Australia - 1 Canada - 4 India - 3 New Zealand - 1 Philippines - 2 South Africa - 4 Thailand - 1 United Kingdom - 4 USA / Alabama - 2 USA / Arizona - 6 USA / Arkansas - 2 USA / California - 13 USA / Colorado - 17 USA / Connecticut - 1 USA / Florida - 11 USA / Georgia - 5 USA / Hawaii - 2 USA / Idaho - 4 USA . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement