Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises & Prayer Requests for September 2022

September 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for His provision for the work of ministry, particularly for providing for Nelson to come on staff fulltime. Pray for God to continue to provide the people, finances, software, and hardware needed for the work. Pray that we will be faithful stewards of all He has entrusted to us. 2. Praise God for a team of dedicated volunteers, prayer partners, donors, translators, videographers, other contractors, and staff. With a team as large and diverse as ours, life . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for August 2022

August 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for His continued provision for the work of ministry through providing like-minded team members, financial supporters, and prayer partners. Pray that God will continue to provide for the ministry. 2. Praise God for His protection of the ministry in so many ways. Pray that He will continue to provide favor with search engines and protect the equipment. Please especially pray for His protection over all those involved with the ministry, whether as volunteers, . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for July 2022

July 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for the ways He uses Got Questions Ministries and for including us in His work. Pray for users of the various sites to hear and respond to the truth of God's Word. Pray for us to accurately and faithfully communicate the full counsel of the gospel. Pray for God's will to be done in and through the ministry. Pray for Him to be glorified in all things. 2. Praise God for His provision for the continued work of ministry in all ways, including human resources, . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for June 2022

June 3rd, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for His faithfulness to Got Questions Ministries. What a privilege that God includes us in His work. Pray that we will be wise stewards of the time, resources, and opportunities with which He entrusts us. Pray for us to hear and heed His direction in ministry. Pray for all affiliated with Got Questions Ministries to grow in their own knowledge of and relationship with Christ and to effectively share His truth and His love with others. 2. Praise God that even . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for May 2022

May 2nd, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. The Got Questions employees will be having our annual meeting the first week of May. Please pray for safe travels, productive conversations, and team-building connections. Please pray for wisdom in decision making and discernment regarding any future direction. Please also pray for refreshment. 2. Praise God for all who come to the sites, especially those who came over Easter. Pray that those with doubts will come with their questions and hear truth. Pray that those . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for April 2022

April 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. The Easter season is routinely our biggest traffic season of the year. Praise God for the witnessing opportunity this brings. Please be praying for the servers and sites to function well, for people to easily find the information they need, and especially for people to come to saving faith in Christ or to know God more deeply if they are already His. Pray that God would use the sites for His glory.   2. Praise God for such a dedicated ministry team. Please be praying . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for March 2022

March 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for His protection of the ministry. As many of you know, we had a power outage at the data center that put the sites out of commission for about twelve hours on February 16th. Praise God for restoration. We have a backup plan underway, but it's been delayed due to supply chain issues. Please pray for God's protection of the sites and His timing on getting a backup in place. Especially with Easter, please pray that the sites will be readily available to all who . . .

Prayer Requests for February 2022

February 1st, 2022
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for such a dedicated ministry team—from volunteers to contractors to donors to prayer partners. Life circumstances vary broadly, many of them extremely challenging. Pray against spiritual attack. Pray for assurance and peace. Pray that fellow team members will know God's Word, discern His voice clearly, and be confident in Him. Pray for humility and for boldness. Pray for health and provision for needs. Pray for those with family changes like new babies or . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement