Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Miscellaneous Q&A Tips

February 3rd, 2020
Think of every "question" as essentially an open ticket item in a larger system. Any time we send you something with an "answer" link, we need to hear back from you. If the actual questioner doesn't need a response, please let us know (via sending in an "answer" or emailing Gwen). We do our best to send questions that we think can be answered, at least partially. But if the question is totally unclear and you would like more information from a questioner, please ask the questioner directly by using the "answer" link. Or, if you can't find a . . .

Bible Version in Responses

November 29th, 2019
Due to the diversity of questioners we interact with, we strongly suggest using a Bible version that will be easy to understand for most people who speak and write English. Many of our questioners are non-native English speakers and teens. We also have questioners who are unfamiliar with the Bible as a whole. We want our responses to be as accessible and clear as possible—it's important for people to know God's truth, so we try to give it to them in language they can comprehend. This means we would ask you to refrain from using the KJV. If you . . .

Question Answering Tips

April 2nd, 2019
Please capitalize the word "Bible" in your responses. If a question is unclear or you would like some more details from a questioner, please submit your request for clarification to the questioner as your response. We do our best to send questions that can be answered, at least in part, but certainly some questions need to be clarified or expounded upon before they can be answered, so feel free to correspond directly with the questioner. You are also welcome to ask clarifying questions of us if you think we might know to what a . . .

Answering Tips

May 1st, 2018

Remember that responses are personal correspondence, so please feel free to respond to questioners as individuals.


It's often helpful to rephrase the question at the beginning of your response to help focus the response and to facilitate correct understanding.


Defining easily misunderstood terms, theological jargon, or buzz words that can mean different things to different people is a good way to ensure clarity. It might be appropriate to link to a article as a short-hand . . .

Writing Tips from the Team

August 1st, 2017

One of our new volunteers, Myles B, asked for some advice from other writers on our Facebook group before starting out, and several responded. We thought it would be helpful for all to see. Thanks so much for your input!
From Myles: Before I get my first question in a few days; any advice for me?
I've been counseling primarily police and a military for the last eleven years, but typically face to face. I am aware that when I "text" I can come off as aggressive and I know I am embarking on an entirely new area here. I don't want to inadvertently . . .

Writing Tips – September 2016

August 31st, 2016


- Often there are indicators or clues in a question as to who might be asking and why. Use these indicators to help tailor your response to the audience.
- Many times questioners ask one question without realizing that there is larger assumption or more important question underlying what they ask. Feel free to point out and address those larger issues.
- Sometimes communication is hampered for sheer lack of mutual understanding of terms. Often starting out with some basic definitions to make sure everyone is on the same page is . . .

Note on Frequent Questioners

August 1st, 2016

As many of you know, we have several frequent questioners. Some have told us they have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, or another similar issue. Others seem angry at God. And others we're not really sure about. We attempt to answer all questioners with grace and pray they will be able to see truth. But we also want to use resources wisely and protect our writers. So we do flag these questioners and try to keep an eye on their questioning activity. That being said, we obviously can't do this alone. So please feel free to cut off . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement