Think of every “question” as essentially an open ticket item in a larger system. Any time we send you something with an “answer” link, we need to hear back from you. If the actual questioner doesn’t need a response, please let us know (via sending in an “answer” or emailing Gwen).
We do our best to send questions that we think can be answered, at least partially. But if the question is totally unclear and you would like more information from a questioner, please ask the questioner directly by using the “answer” link. Or, if you can’t find a way to give a biblical response or to use the question as a launching pad to share the gospel, please send it back to us.
We try to make note of this when assigning questions, but in case we forget … if a questioner asks too many unrelated questions in one submission, please feel free to answer only a few and ask the questioner to write back with the rest. You can let the questioner know that we can provide better answers when questions are sent one at a time.
Thank you for sharing appropriate site links with questioners when further resources might be of use to them. We’ve discovered that video embeds do not work in the system, so please provide a link to the article or to the YouTube channel if you ever want to share a GQ video.