Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from November 2021

December 1st, 2021
** This response gives biblical support and clear explanations. It addresses the question directly, expands on related issues, and demonstrates how the response is derived directly from Scripture. The tone is genuinely kind. ** Question: Who decided that humans are more valuable than animals? Answered by: Keith Ramage, who has been a volunteer with us since December, 2011. Answer: Well, in a short answer, God did.  In the Creation, He spoke and everything that has life “had life” at His words.  He “formed” man and breathed . . .

Sample Q&A from October 2021

October 1st, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, defines terms, and is personable. The question is answered directly with helpful explanations, and the tone is genuinely kind. ** Question: Is there a correct mood to pray in? Is our mood important when praying? Profile: Female, Asia, 19–25 Answered by: Priya Johnson, who has been a volunteer with us since October, 2018. Answer: Dear Friend, Thank you for writing and sharing what's on your heart.  To begin, let's take a look at what Jesus said about prayer and how we pray. Mathew 6:5-11 . . .

Sample Q&A from August 2021

September 1st, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, well written, concise, and personable. The answer has logical flow, provides clear explanations, and gives helpful further resources (as well as helpful cited research). The tone is genuinely friendly. ** Question: What does Luke 11:13 mean? Don’t we have the Holy Spirit already when we become a Christian? Profile: Female, North America, Christian, 46–60 Answered by: Loren Faulkner, who has been a volunteer with us since September, 2019. Answer: Hello, and thank you for sending your question . . .

Sample Q&A from July 2021

August 2nd, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, thorough, easy to understand, and personable. It defines terms, explains issues clearly, and provides scriptural support. Concluding with a review and summary seems to be an especially helpful tool. The tone throughout displays genuine care. ** Question: What is the difference between our position and condition in Christ? Profile: Female, North America, Over 60 Answered by: Fred Kistler, who has been a volunteer with us since February, 2020. Answer: Thank you for your question.  It’s a very . . .

Sample Q&A from June 2021

July 1st, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, concise, and personable. The questions are answered directly and even include a helpful demonstration of how to understand the Bible in context. The tone is genuinely kind. ** Question: Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. Exodus 7:1 NIV Does Moses assume the position of God just like Jesus assumes the position of God in the new testament? If so, is there any incidence where he is worshipped? Pardon my Ignorance. I mean no . . .

Sample Q&A from May 2021

June 3rd, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, well written, and personable. It addresses the question directly, provides helpful instructional information about understanding the Bible, gives wise advice, and maintains a kind tone throughout. The logical flow and clear explanations help the questioner think through the issue, and the tone demonstrates genuine care. ** Question: Does God considers volunteer work as work? I really want to work in my domain, which belongs to the medical side, yet I can hardly find any openings, but many clinics would . . .

Sample Q&A from April 2021

May 3rd, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, well written, and personable. It provides useful foundational information about understanding the Bible and then demonstrates the method with the verses in question. The question is answered directly, clearly, and in detail. The tone is genuinely friendly throughout. ** Question: Does Jude 1:21 contradict paul (romans 8:35-38)? Profile: Male, Europe, Christian, Under 19 Answered by: Chris Peterson, who has been a volunteer with us since May, 2019. Answer:  When we are looking at any passage . . .

Sample Q&A from March 2021

April 1st, 2021
** This response is biblically sound, well written, and thorough. Concepts are clearly explained and illustrated. Additional biblical support and practical application are provided. The tone is genuinely kind, displaying care for the questioner. ** Question: James 1:23+24 what if you remember the bible verses and do your best to do them but when you look into a mirror after you cant remember what you look like (but will recognize) also what are ways to remember or do them both? Profile: Male, Asia, Christian, 19–25 Answered by: Lawrence . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement